If you are getting this error in 2022, I solved it on MacOS by doing the following:
Essentially, what has happened is the PID is already in use. I found its caused when it isn't closed properly. In this case, open Activity Monitor on MacOS. Then go to your terminal/Visual Code Studio and run:
lsof -i tcp:PORT
e.g lsof -i tcp:9000
(this would be if port 9000 is already in use).
This will tell you what PID is already in use, e.g it should give you some headings in the output terminal something like:
java. XXXXX
Where the XXXXX number under heading PID will give you the PID. Then you just need to go to Activity Monitor (if you are using MacOS), find the PID in the column and it should show the process that is already in use. Click "Stop" icon at the top of the window. That should work, then simply run
squarespace-server YOURSITEURL --auth
(always include --auth as usually users have a trial site and end up with unable to get access if they just run without it)
Then you should be good to go !