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  1. Thank you so much!!! ☺️ I didn't think anyone would respond, it definitely makes me feel better than another pair of eyes has reviewed my site. I like your idea about using different quotes, I'll look around and see if there are others that speak to me. 😁
  2. @tuanphan Would it be crazy to try adding “Poppins” as if it were a custom font? I’ve found a lot of your answers to people’s questions about custom fonts not displaying on Safari, wondering if this could be a workaround. I hope that makes sense!
  3. Still didn't work! This is tricky... I tried clearing my cache and disabling some mobile ad blockers/security apps too. Any other ideas? Thank you for all your help so far!
  4. Site URL: https://www.meganhochstrasser.com/ Hi everyone, I've just made my personal site live and would appreciate feedback on any aspect of it! https://www.meganhochstrasser.com/ I wanted a place to display the various types of work that I do so that potential collaborators or future employers can get a sense of my skillset and style. I'd especially like to catch any typos, missing alt text, quirks of particular browsers/devices, problematic custom css (I added a surprising amount but am not a pro so I'm not sure if anything is inefficient), etc. Thank you!
  5. @bangank36 I realized I explained this poorly to begin with (sorry!). I'm fine with the way the "Next-Gen Educational Technologies" section displays on desktop and mobile, it's just the "Augmented Reality (AR)" section below it where I'm having issues. On mobile, I'd like to keep the two app store buttons side-by-side and also change the order in which everything displays so in the end it looks like this: (1) <video thumbnail with phone> (2) "Augmented Reality (AR)" (3) Paragraph of text (4) Side-by-side app store buttons ––––– Right now, it's in this order: (2) "Augmented Reality (AR)" (3) Paragraph of text (4) Side-by-side app store buttons (1) <video thumbnail with phone> ––––– I added the version of the css you sent but used the section ID for the "Augmented Reality" section, as follows: @media screen and (max-width:767px) { div#page-section-61d62c3360522232481768af .sqs-layout > .row > .col > .row:nth-child(2) { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } }
  6. @bangank36 Oh shoot, wait. That fixed the button display issue, but now the video that's supposed to be above the blurb is below it (the hand holding the phone should be right above or below the text that says "Augmented Reality (AR)." (I hadn't had this perfect before, but ideally you'd see the video thumbnail, then category title (e.g. VR, AR, or 360), and then the little blurb.
  7. Hi, I had the same issue with two images (Apple app store and Google play store links) on mobile (see "Augmented Reality" section on this page, pw: J@s7w^3$U3GYwv) and originally fixed the issue with this css: But then I needed to change the order in which items in the "Next-Gen Educational Technologies" section display on mobile so I added the following css: The buttons are messed up now (they're still 50% size, just stacked rather than side-by-side), see screenshot: Can anyone recommend a fix? I'm too inexperienced with css to figure out what's causing the clash. Thank you in advance!
  8. Sure thing, here's a screenshot from Firefox (correct): and Safari (incorrect):
  9. @tuanphan Another update, I just tried this on my partner's phone and the fonts display correctly on Safari for him. I have an iPhone Xs, he has an SE. Not sure if this provides any clues! (By the way, I also had to make all the "communication" text you helped me with even smaller to fit onto his small screen, so it was a useful test device. Hopefully now things will look okay even on devices I don't have handy.)
  10. @tuanphan Thank you for this, I tried it but don't see any difference on Safari on iOS. I also just tested Firefox and Firefox Focus on mobile and the fonts display correctly in Firefox but not in Firefox Focus. Any other ideas?
  11. @creedon Oh, interesting. Okay! Thanks for looking into it. 😄
  12. Sure thing, see the section called "Undergraduate Course & Journal Club" on this page (pw: J@s7w^3$U3GYwv). Also attaching a screenshot. It looks okay when I check the Squarespace mobile preview, but not on my phone using Chrome. Thank you, @creedon!
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