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  1. marztiroo

    sitemap issue

    Site URL: https://www.hendrxhealth.com/ Hello. We submitted our sitemap through Google Search Console. Most of our site's main pages now appear in Google search results, but two main pages are missing (hair loss page and FAQ page). Is there something I can do to get the two missing pages to start appearing in Google search results? Also, the description for our ED page is displaying incorrectly in search results (see attached screenshot). How can I get the correct page description to appear in Google search results? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Site URL: https://www.goodrx.com/viagra/what-is Does anyone know how I would go about creating a page like this? Is there a widget? Do I need to hire a designer? Any help would be appreciated! RPReplay_Final1641423787.MP4
  3. @bangank36 I tried this code, but unfortunately it did not work. Any other suggestions? Thanks again!
  4. Site URL: https://www.hendrxhealth.com/mockup Hello. For some reason my testimonials section is covering my navigation when I scroll. This is only section that is causing this issue. I've provided a screenshot below. If someone can help me figure out how to fix this I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
  5. Site URL: https://www.ziphealth.co/clinics/erectile-dysfunction/generic-sildenafil?product_code=sildenafil&dosage=100&quantity=64&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ED%2B-%2BSildenafil%2B-%2BSmart%2BShopping&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqbyNBhC2ARIsALDwAsCV-gE7v4IjY8UBqZGPlmMl1G_Z5gbjmYHB15ApVmzkYdR3xB8FscAaAsRdEALw_wcB Does anyone know how I can create something like this? Is there a plugin that I can purchase, or is there any CSS that I can use? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  6. Hello. Our website is https://www.hendrxhealth.com. Below are the images that we'd like to change on hover. Thanks for your help!
  7. I'd like to add an image gallery grid and make it so that when you hover over each image in the grid, a different image displays. Is this possible? If it is possible, can someone provide the css code? I can plug in the block IDs myself. Thank you!
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