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Everything posted by yoloyoli123

  1. tuanphan, you've done it again! thanks!!
  2. Hi There, I added a dot to the active nav item and when transferred to the mobile menu, the spacing gets messed up. Attached is a picture of what it looks like. Here is the code I am currently using: /* nav active */ //desktop dot on active .header-nav-item--active a:after { content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; background-color: #ED1C24; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; border-radius: 75%; } //mobile dot on active .header-menu-nav-item--active { content: ""; display: block; width: 15px; height: 15px; background-color: #ED1C24; border-radius: 75%; text-align: right; margin: 0 auto; } //desktop color on active .header-nav-item--active>a, .header-nav-folder-item--active>a, .header-menu-nav-item--active>a .header-menu-nav-item--active { background-image: none !important; color: #ED1C24 !important; } //mobile color on active div.container.header-menu-nav-item--active div { color: #ED1C24 !important; background-image: none !important; } /* nav active */ How can I fix this? Thanks in advanced! Website: https://vibraphone-rhombus-nh9r.squarespace.com/config/settings/website/site-availability Password: forum
  3. section[data-section-id="63f9720caffb3b39df2ff272"]{ .grid-item .grid-image{ border: 3px solid #656565!important; border-radius:20px!important; transition: all 0s step;} .grid-item:hover .grid-image, .portfolio-overlay{ border: 3px solid #656565!important; border-radius:20px!important; } if anyone was wondering, this is the solution! i had one too many ".grid-item:hover" in there.
  4. Hi there! I am looking to change the color of text when you hover over the image above it. I have the hover over the text itself working, but I think it'll be more effective to hover over the image as well. Thanks in advance! https://www.yoloyoli.art/
  5. Hi There! I'm looking to add an outline around the social media icons, anyone know how to add this? Thanks in advance! site https://www.yoloyoli.art/contact password forum
  6. Hi There! I was trying to make my portfolio items have a border and radius and when the mouse hovers off the item it glitches back to original. Here is the code I used: section[data-section-id="63f9720caffb3b39df2ff272"]{ .grid-item .grid-image{ border: 3px solid #656565!important; border-radius:20px!important;} .grid-item:hover .grid-image, .grid-item:hover .portfolio-overlay{ border: 3px solid #656565!important; border-radius:20px!important; } Can anyone help me out? The page is https://www.yoloyoli.art/work The password to the page is: forum Thanks in advance!
  7. No, I like the speech bubble shape that I have. What I am looking for is the border and radius to extend around that speech bubble shape.
  8. Hi! I am trying to create a timeline with the list section. I have it so that the cards are in a speech bubble shape and I would like it to be rounded and have a border around it. I have achieved this, however, the rounding and border is not wrapping around the entire shape. Is there a way I can accomplish that? Here is the code I'm using: /*section the timeline is in*/ section[data-section-id="6401594d591d0d1f2e82e00f"]{ /*cards*/ .list-item{ clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 90%, 10% 90%, 0 100%); padding-bottom:4.5rem!important; background-color:#F1EFED; border:3px solid #656565; border-radius:20px;} /*These are not related to the cards, but I am listing it in case it is relevant*/ /*arrow shape*/ .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-path { stroke-width: 5px; stroke: #33bddd;} /*arrow background*/ .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-background-area { background: #F1EFED; opacity: 1!important;} /*arrow border*/ .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button { border:2px solid #656565;} /*line bubbles are sitting on*/ .user-items-list-carousel__gutter{ border-bottom:3px dashed #F1EFED;}} Here is what it looks like: The bottom doesn't have that border and isn't rounded like the rest of the shape. Does anyone know a way to achieve this? Thanks so much in advanced for the help! website: https://www.yoloyoli.art/about password: forum
  9. Here it is! Sorry about that, I thought when I put it in the field of the question, it would be there.
  10. Hi all, I am trying to get black outlined social media icons to become solid yellow social media icons. I got it to change color but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to take off the outline. Is this possible? Heres the code I have currently: .sqs-svg-icon--list { a:hover { opacity: 1 !important; background-color:#fbc45d; transition: all .2s ease 0s!important;} a:hover .sqs-use--icon { fill: #F1EFED !important; transition: all .2s ease 0s!important;}} If you're looking for it on my site, they are in the footer. If you're feeling lazy, this is what the look like normally: This is what they look like on hover: I would just like that black outline to go away on hover. Thanks in advance!
  11. Site URL: https://www.yoloyoli.art/work So I have some archive drop downs to sort my work, however, how do I allow the user to select multiple categories to view? For example, if someone wants to look at 2D Design work and Drawings, they would select both and all posts under those categories will show up. Being able to unselect too would be great. I visual example of this would be the drop downs on this website. I want mine to work exactly like those. Any ideas?
  12. Site URL: https://www.yoloyoli.art/ I have four main colors that I use on my website. I would like to make the color of certain text change every time the page is visited to one of the four colors. I would assume to use an array and have it pick a random from that list and set it to the text color. However, I need help on going about this. Every attempt I made to create an array came with a syntax error. Got any ideas? Thanks!
  13. hi! how would i get this to transfer over to the mobile menu too. its showing as just black without the brick pattern
  14. Hi I want a slideshow of images that has an overlay of text that stays still while the slideshow buttons are pressed. i haven't been able to figure this out. the slideshows embedded in the website builder allow you to add a title to each image but the title slides with each image. you can add a title to the slideshow itself, but it sits above the slideshow. I want it to be on top of it.
  15. omg no i didn't see that thank you so much
  16. works awesome! thanks so much. do you know if there's a way to take out the home button in the menu? I only want the home page to be accessible through pressing the logo on the left hand side
  17. it works awesome, but the header when sitting at the top does not show the background. how could i get it to not disappear?
  18. sphere-sunfish-5hfj.squarespace.com password is yoloyoli123
  19. sphere-sunfish-5hfj.squarespace.com password is yoloyoli123
  20. I need help on customizing a menu. I'm completely new to coding for website design so bare with me. I want to customize the menu of my website to have a background that I created. I don't want the default solid color, I want to be able to put my own created menu from adobe illustrator. How would I go about doing this? right now I have an idea of what i want on there but i want the brick background to stay behind the menu and in the footer, and i want the logo portion that's under it to be its own picture. I also want everything to update in size when the window is shrunk. website: sphere-sunfish-5hfj.squarespace.com password: yoloyoli123
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