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Everything posted by drodas

  1. Hello, I've set up a redirect as followed: https://app.tutoringprof.com -> https://install.page/tutoringprof 301 When you go to app.tutoringprof.com it does not redirect successfully. What am I doing wrong? My records are all hosted and managed by Squarespace. These records exist within tutoringprof.com domain. Do I need to set these same records in app.tutoringprof.com? The end goal here is retain brand authority so we created a sub domain for the the mobile app install to then redirect to the third party site for installation
  2. Hello! I'm attempting to export the fields found in our "Checkout Form". You can take a look at our CSV exported directly from SquareSpace where you will find these fields towards the end of the document. When attempting to pull this data in using the SquareSpace API and coupled with the most expensive plan, I'm only getting these fields back during my API request Grad Year (See Attached). Any ideas on why the CSV export is producing the correct results, but the API that I pay $65 a month isn't?
  3. Site URL: https://www.skyetech.io/tos Below is the code I'm inserting into my page but it makes the text white and completely disappears. <style> header { display: none !important; } <style>
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