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Everything posted by tomek_piatek

  1. Yeah, the new "Fluid" engine is good in some ways but we lost a bunch of good features in the process. My biggest peeve is not being able to show image galleries inline. They can only go in a section now. That really sucks. And to add insult to injury this feature is available to the "Circle" members. That is complete BS and smacks of corporate greed. I'm too deep in with Squarespace now to change things but I wish I could vote with my wallet.
  2. Arrrith... I solved the problem. I was binding my event handler when the DOM has finished loading. That is too soon. I changed it to when the page has finished loading and that works. This: window.addEventListener("load", (event) => {... instead of this: document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {...
  3. I should also add that I don't want to submit the form. I am simply using the form block as means of displaying checkboxes that automatically follow the look of the site. All of this is on a new site implemented in 7.1
  4. So further to this, I've noticed that even though the even handler is assigned when the code block is evaluated the handler is null after the page has loaded. What gives? Does SS disable custom events at some stage? cheers, -tomek
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm adding a custom interaction to one of my pages. I want to attach a custom event handler for the "onclick" event to checkbox inputs in the form on the page. I am adding this customisation through a Code block on the page (see code at the bottom). The page loads without any errors and I can see my logging messages in the browser's console. However, my custom event handler (BDchangeImage) never fires. I am really stuck. I'd really appreciate some insight into this problem. cheers, -tomek System info: whatsmybrowser.org/b/U8PE4 Page: https://point-lanternfish-gcd5.squarespace.com/customise-your-bento Code Block: <style> .form-button-wrapper { display: none; } </style> <script> function BDgetImageURL(elem) { const IMAGE_URL_MAP = { 0b000: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/c814ed7d-2c25-4124-906f-b6fa85b66745/000.png", 0b001: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/84454544-15ef-4b8e-99a6-8445ed7710dc/001.png", 0b010: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/6938758b-14f5-4b38-a56e-bef3a59dd9f8/010.png", 0b011: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/f1474329-f993-4870-b865-e24d1fddcb38/011.png", 0b100: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/6dadb819-7c00-4654-b773-7a05309fc7f9/100.png", 0b101: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/5991e22e-156f-4bd6-b5f0-ca53d605e149/101.png", 0b110: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/e1dc6e0b-e632-488a-9a52-46db3c6c17c2/110.png", 0b111: "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/65375ae7a68ab831b9791ad6/feb09cb2-4008-4589-9ac8-cbf7f8619de7/111.png" } const bathroom = document.querySelector('input[value="Bathroom"]').checked ? 0b100 : 0b000; const grid = document.querySelector('input[value="Studio Grid"]').checked ? 0b010 : 0b000; const kitchen = document.querySelector('input[value="Kitchen"]').checked ? 0b001 : 0b000; let imageIndex = bathroom | grid | kitchen; return IMAGE_URL_MAP[imageIndex]; } function BDchangeImage(elem) { console.log("🪵 BDchangeImage"); let imageUrl = BDgetImageURL(elem); document.querySelector('img[alt="bd-module-diagram"]').setAttribute('srcset', imageUrl); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { console.log("🪵 DOMContentLoaded"); const bathroom = document.querySelector('input[value="Bathroom"]'); bathroom.onclick = BDchangeImage; console.log("🪵 bathroom.onclick = " + bathroom.onclick); const grid = document.querySelector('input[value="Studio Grid"]'); grid.onclick = BDchangeImage; console.log("🪵 grid.onclick = " + grid.onclick); const kitchen = document.querySelector('input[value="Kitchen"]'); kitchen.onclick = BDchangeImage; console.log("🪵 kitchen.onclick = " + kitchen.onclick); }); </script>
  6. I've just spent HOURS beating my head against this issue. I'm a long-time Squarespace user (10+ years) and I am really disappointed with how the product is changing. It's buggy, and features have been removed because of greed. For example, we used to be able to put a gallery block anywhere. Now we can only have a gallery section. Gallery bocks are still available. There is no technical issue there. But they're only available to "Circle" members. That's bs.
  7. Hi, Did you find out any more about this topic? I'm trying to implement a product configuration gizmo within Squarespace and I'm drawing a blank at the moment. cheers, -tomek
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