Hi, @tuanphan. It worked!!! Thank you!
But new issues appeared:
On the mobile version, a space right below the button "Get in touch!" + the line of text, and the first image (#block-6616f27bb6436dcd54df26a7).
The caption #block-6616f27b026461203d981e56 is not in the right place (below #block-6616f27bb418799528c7e218), it's below #block-6616f27ba3399421ad25ae93 and on top of #block-6243a8731388125bb092.
The line (#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1715277760206_23440) which separates the images and my photo, changed place too: it's now between #block-57a47046407e5d9684b8 and its caption #block-e6fb62f8a9374a7dd772.
Btw, on the mobile version, if I click on edit section, the grid behind the images (I had upgraded this section) looks different now. It has vertical stripes intead of showing the rectangles.
Thank you!!