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Hello, I have a webpage with a repeating background image that I added via CSS. I want to add text to the page in a way that it literally only adds text, and fully displays my page's main background image. I've added a text section to the page, but unfortunately it adds a giant white block that stretches all the way across the screen. I've found that I can edit the background color of this block by editing the theme, but I don't want it to have a color. I want it to be transparent, as to only display the text. Is this possible? I've tried messing around with CSS but haven't had any luck. I feel like this is probably the simplest thing you can do to a webpage, and I'm surprised it's so hard to figure out.
Below is an image of what I'm talking about. I want the white gone so the purple background image can fully shine though, with literally just the text on top of it. I basically just want to add a "Site under maintenance message". Thanks.