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Everything posted by puslingpaahaender

  1. yes it is www.storiesofsmallthings.com For now I have however changed it to fullscreen slideshow in order to have a slow fade. I can change it to simple right away. Since I prefer the simple. Will do I tin a moment. Thank you
  2. Hello. I found a costume code to slow down the gallery fullscreen slideshow, and am wondering if the same can be applied to the simple gallery slideshow? and how? url https://www.storiesofsmallthings.com in order to have the slow fade, I have currently adjusted my gallery to a fullscreen gallery, but would eventually like to revert to the nonefullscreen gallery instead. Is someone able to help? this is for the fullscreen gallery fade adjustment: .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-img{ transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -ms-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -moz-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -o-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; } .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow[data-transition="fade"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item[data-active="true"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-src{ transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -ms-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -moz-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -o-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; } Thanks! J
  3. #Tuanphan, would you be able to help with my original request by any chance? The scroll back to top Botton on each page across my website?
  4. Ohhh that possibly sounded a little unclear. I'm still looking for a solution for the back to top of page scroll botton, as described in the very beginning. The post you pinned and asked about is a different issue, which I marked as solved.
  5. This one is solved yes. The one you've linked this too isn't though. I'm still looking for a scroll back to top bottom as described in the beginning of the post. They are seperate requests.😊
  6. hello, can this code be made to work in the gallery slideshow simple with either scale up or fade? thanks!! J
  7. I would love to add a back-to-top scroll Botton across my website, that fades in slowly. (possibly round with an arrow?) Is this possible? dark green with white letters/arrow. as the green on this page if possible: https://www.storiesofsmallthings.com/photography
  8. In order to make them appear like categories and work like they do they are different unlinked pages. The filter function never worked well. In terms to getting back to the mainmenu etc. But I just added the code to the other three pages. Like this I was even able to have the buttons in each their languages. Perfect. Thanks!
  9. waauuuw, Thank you!!! That's amazing. Is it possible to have a little more space between post and Botton?
  10. Hello. I'd like to add a back-to-main-blog-page-Botton at the end of each blogpost. As seen in the images. Preferably with the the hover function as in the 2. image. Is this possible to do in all pages at once, rather than having to add it manually on each single page? Thank you! I have added a Botton on this page https://www.storiesofsmallthings.com/writings/TheDream and the one prior All the others don't have the Botton at the moment. They remain like on this one. https://www.storiesofsmallthings.com/writings/Klagesang
  11. Can you tell me, where I should add the code? Best regards, Julia
  12. Hello, I´m looking for two things. 1.: to slow down the overall fade-in animation in the design of my webpage. It feels rather abprupt at the moment. Is this code working for that or is it specific for certain blocks? 2.: I´m looking for a possibility to slow down the fade-in of slidergallery. If the code above is possible to use for that, ca someone tell me how to apply it? All the best and thank you so much, Julia
  13. Hello again. How strange, we had been writing together where I shared the problem and you asked me to make a copy of my page and share the url with you to check the problem... It seems to have disappered. My problem is that I have used a nav bar code but can´t seem to get the dropdown in the "print" categories aligned, so that when the dropdown menu opens everything gets pushed around. On a desktop it is certainly better ( not quite there, but not as messy) but on a mobile device it´s getting very messy. Is there any way to fix Prints to its postion and dropping ´drawing´ and ´photography´ down right under? Aligned left or in other words verically with the P? So that the main categories remain in the same distance to one another, as in the pictures where the print section dropdown isn´t open. Thank you
  14. Hi tuanphan. I hope all is well. I wrote the copy of my site some time ago and it's about to expire. I'm wondering if I did it right and if you received my response. Would you still want to take a look? All the best, J
  15. Hello. I'm having trouble with getting the dropdown of the nav bar in my shop aligned vertically. Could the code atop be a solution? Especially on a mobile device it's looking quite messy. I have costum code so that I can have a navigation bar and another for the subcategories/ description of category underneath title. Thank you.
  16. Turns out it's only not there in the mobile version on the computer itself. On mobile device it is still the same.
  17. Hello Tuanphan. Here is the url for the copy of my page. jaguar-bat-4x35.squarespace.com code: julia12345 It seems that the last thing that happend has disappeared again. But the alignment when clicking prints is still off, both in desktop and mobile mode. Thanks for having a look. I deeply appreciate it!
  18. My site is currently with a code. I'm not sure if that means it is live, it's my first time creating a website. So fairly new to all all this, terms included😊
  19. Hello tuanphan. I was reaching out on another site/question with the same trouble. You just answered there😊. It didn't solve the issue unfortunately. And I thought that a solution similar to that of the nav header and changing position of drop down might do the trick. If you'd like to take a look my url is www.storiesofsmallthings.com 12345julia I'd very much appreciate it. thank you!
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