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Everything posted by cecilesablayrolles

  1. When inspecting the code, I can see margin added to this class: .background-width--inset:not(.content-collection):not(.gallery-section):not(.user-items-list-section) .section-background { top: 3vw; right: 3vw; bottom: 3vw left: 3vw; } Maybe try to update it with 0 into Custom CSS ?
  2. Hello, I would like to make the logo hide when scrolling but keep the navbar fixed on top, like this website: https://www.bobbies.com/en/1181-collection-women Do you think it can be possible using SS 7.1? Website is: https://twentytwoagency.squarespace.com/ Password: 1234 Thanks!
  3. Unfortunately you will have to use CSS for that :)
  4. Hello, You can hide them by using media queries into Custom CSS: @media only screen and (max-width: 728px) { .your-element { display:none; } } .your-element is the name of the breadcrumds list. Do not hesitate to share the link of your website so we can help you better.
  5. Hi, SSL is linked to your domain. You should have an active SSL, and then check to your DNS settings into Squarespace.
  6. Hi! If it can help, Facebook shares also a tool to debug the sharing image: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
  7. Hello, From the home page, click on the Page Settings > Advanced and insert this: <style>.sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone { display:none !important; } </style>
  8. Hi! Try this: @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { .header-display-mobile .header-title-text { font-size: 30px; } } And adapt the size (30px here) as you like :)
  9. Hi! Try removing the margin-top from .produce-price item. .product-price { margin-top: -10px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
  10. Hi! Your font URL seems to have a problem: url('FontUhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/65030dbcd2e3b23e19b5e427/t/654babc747719d6d0d088a2b/1699457991716/GIN+AND+SODA.ttfRL'); It should be: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65030dbcd2e3b23e19b5e427/t/654babc747719d6d0d088a2b/1699457991716/GIN+AND+SODA.ttf');
  11. I have the exact same issue.. sometimes working on desktop, sometimes not.. since yesterday or two days! Very annoying for my client!!
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