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  1. [data-website-fonts] h1 {font-family: 'FONT_NAME' !important; text-transform: uppercase !important;} I had to add the first [ ] bracket before the h1 selection AND label the font AND transformations as !important and this is what worked for my case. I hope I don't have to add the var(FONT_NAME or TRANSFORMATION) to all my projects, but time will tell!
  2. @Ziggy Thanks! I'm starting with assessing how may of my sites are affected. I understand that this is a rollout, so I'll keep monitoring thru the 28th.
  3. Also, to anyone reading this thread with the same problem - check the release notes for a workaround / info about the new language. My heading fonts were not loading because they were the only ones I did not use the !important; override with (p and other element specific styles all had the override; so only the generic H1, H2 and H3 instances on my website are currently broken)
  4. @Ziggy Thanks, friend! I haven't checked the release notes yet today. This is helpful to know.
  5. Anyone experiencing their custom fonts suddenly not loading on their website? (Specifically their heading fonts). I have not altered any of my CSS for a while. Has some of the Squarespace language changed?
  6. Hiya! Old thread, I realize- but I've found the actual vanilla config for this. In your color themes, find the primary one that your site is treating as a default (when you go to add a new section, it's probably the one that Squarespace is picking for you by default). Find the Background option and change this to the color you would like your Safari mobile top and bottom to be:
  7. Hiya! Old thread, I realize- but I've found the actual vanilla config for this. In your color themes, find the primary one that your site is treating as a default (when you go to add a new section, it's probably the one that Squarespace is picking for you by default). Find the Background option and change this to the color you would like your Safari mobile top and bottom to be:
  8. This issue happened for me today (briefly) and resolved itself. I'm chiming in in case anyone is headed to this thread looking for updates on current occurrences. It then resolved for me, but persists with my client, who can view her admin dashboard normally with the Safari browser, but not Google Chrome.
  9. @tuanphan THANK YOU for your continued help! This additional code snip worked great. The blog thumbnail images are no longer active as links - and this fixes my problem.
  10. @tuanphan Absolutely. Page link for the blog in question is: https://mdiicecream.squarespace.com/media Password is: MDI12345
  11. @tuanphan You're a LEGEND! Thank you for this code. It has solved the problem of the blog post TITLES linking directly to the source articles. I am, however, still having a problem with getting the IMAGES corresponding with the blog title to link directly to the source articles. Is there something I am overlooking?
  12. @tuanphan I am also wondering what the fix is that you have (with a business plan). Thanks Tuanphan! Link: https://mdiicecream.squarespace.com/media Password: MDI12345 I am using the standard blog presentation; not a summary block (I'd prefer not to use a summary block if possible)
  13. Switching to Chrome has been my solution. Also, the new Fluid editor doesn't work for me in Firefox, so Chrome it is. I can't believe how much smoother everything works! I wonder if I have some browser extensions in my Firefox that are getting in the way?
  14. Hey all and anyone still having an issue with this like I was. I resolved this issue by contacting support and they opened up a ticket to look into it for me. Squarespace fixed the issue for me. In my help chats, I was offered the following troubleshooting points which may help you: Remove any NBSP spaces added before the title, and any line break spacing above the first character in the popup's body content. Remove all CSS used to style the popup.
  15. I am having this issue today. I've tried viewing the updated site in private browsing windows, refreshing the edit in the panel, refreshing the Squarespace editing dashboard page and also clearing my browser cache and cookies. Anyone have any insight? This issue is beyond me.
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