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Everything posted by DV2

  1. Did you ever find a solution to this? My client is having a similar issue.
  2. Just ran into this problem today. I would love an answer to this
  3. Do you just mean the padding added by a section in Squarespace? You can reduce the section height to as low as it will go. If that's still too much whitespace, you can move the code block into the section above or below it.
  4. Hi Mari, I just had a client call with this exact problem. It seems to be confined to one specific product. Did you ever come up with a solution?
  5. I had the same issue yesterday and it cleared up on its own after about 90 minutes. I had not seen this message before in the dozen+ sites I've launched with Squarespace. It's possible that the client/domain owner responded to an authorization email, but I don't think that's likely. The timing seemed to be directly linked to establishing the SSL certificate. My specifics: Namecheap Registrar, changing nameservers from cloudflare to squarespace.
  6. I had this exact problem. I needed to add temporary images for products I had already uploaded. Rather than going through hundreds of items, I wrote this bit of CSS to insert a background image that would always be there, but covered up once an image was assigned. Change the image URL to whatever works for your site. figure.grid-image { background-image: url("/imageComingSoon.png"); background-size: contain; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
  7. This is a very slick tool! Thanks for putting in the time!
  8. Support sent me this info: You can set more than one email to receive notifications for appointments booked on a calendar. You can head to the Availability page (found in the left navigation menu) and click CALENDAR SETTINGS next to the calendar, then in the resulting pop up scroll until you see the NOTIFICATIONS space and enter both emails separated by a comma. If you're using a bop-up blocker, the Notifications panel won't appear.
  9. I'd really like to know how to set email notifications when an appointment is scheduled.
  10. I finally got back to this project. @Paul2009, you are a rock star. With a small tweak to the CSS, this works perfectly.
  11. Thanks Paul! It would be 150 to 200 items on a category page with 5 different categories, around 800 products total. I was actually planning on using your wishlist plugin on this project. Can you run queries on the sqsp product database or did you mean a code solution outside of sqsp?
  12. How do you add an Add to Cart button next to products in a list or category page? I have a situation where users need will go over a list selecting the inventory they need. Drilling down to every product detail page to add them to the cart will be very tedious. I don't have much experience with SQSP commerce, so I apologize for the basic question. No site exists for this question. If this isn't possible, I'll have to use a non-SQSP solution for the project. Thanks!
  13. I've become quite concerned reading through this thread. The fact that sqsp has spent so much effort developing Fluid Engine (which seems to scramble the DOM) and has neglected WebP format makes me worry about their priorities.
  14. Well, yeah. When you throw around things like a -75% top margin, weird things are going to happen. Get rid of that line and use the squarespace controls to center or top align the block.
  15. @creedon 's solution is certainly valid, but personally, I'd go a different route. Trying to position via fixed or absolute is problematic because fixed is always on screen and sqsp uses a lot of relative elements which make it hard to use absolute. It's better to adjust the parent element to the header's specs. (Speaking of which, this whole alignment thing isn't a problem if you set the header to not go wider than the rest of the page. ) Here's what I'd do: div#page-section-623a002cd58eb62b7dfa1775 { min-width: 92vw!important; margin-left: calc(~"50% - 46vw"); } As long as your headlines are left justified, it should work and you won't have it popup elsewhere on the page.
  16. Hi Cam, The /press page doesn't look like your screen capture. Did you want to do this on the home page?
  17. You might be able to use "Per-page code injection" on the blog pages. By injecting the back-arrow code on the two Blogs (instead of everywhere) you should be able to accomplish the desired effect. According to: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815908-Using-code-injection
  18. This is fun! Any chance we could see a list of badges and their requirements? While it's great to receive the badges, it might be fun to work toward them too. 🙂
  19. I should have thought to check for that. Let's try wrapping the CSS in a media query so it only scales up when the screen is large enough. @media only screen and (min-width: 768px){ .trustpilot-widget iframe { transform: scale(1.5); } } There seems to be something else stretching the page just a little too wide (horizontal scroll bar appears) until you get to 1450px of screen width. I'm not sure what is causing it.
  20. Manipulating the content of an iframe is impossible.... BUT you can mess with the iframe itself. Which seems to work in your case. .trustpilot-widget iframe { transform: scale(1.5); }
  21. You could try: .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-prev, .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-next { background-color: transparent; }
  22. For some reason the button height is set to 60px. This CSS should fix it: .sqs-block-button-element--medium { height: auto; }
  23. Thanks Jeff! I just ran into this issue and wanted to see if it was a know problem or the result of something weird I had done. 🙂 Sure seems like a bug! BTW, if you increase the thumbnail size, you'll need to increase the .sqs-block-gallery {margin-bottom: } value.
  24. First let me say that I'm sorry I didn't see this in time and even more sorry that I don't have a good answer. I did a little digging and there's definitely something weird going on. For me, it loaded correctly in Firefox, Edge, and Chrome-Incognito. I did find that the iframe src loads correctly in it's own chrome tab, (https://keap.app/contact-us/3728073293895876) but not inside the iframe. As a work around, you could put in a button and link it to the above form. Not great, but it would work. There also seem to be some 0px in height styles that are collapsing the iframe. This might be by design and are "opened up" via JavaScript. By manually expanding them, I eventually saw this: infusiosoft is keap's old name. My first thoughts are that there's some sort of cross-site scripting thing that Chrome is shutting down, or some cookie that isn't responding correctly to one of the JavaScripts. But that's getting out of my area of expertise.
  25. Just in case anyone runs across this problem in the future, I was able to come up with a solution. Injecting this script into the head rewrites the <base /> tag. <script> (function() { // Fetch base element and href attribute var baseElement = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0]; // Update base with domain to make it absolute baseElement.setAttribute("href", "https://www.google.com"); }()); </script> Replace google.com with your domain (obviously). The third party service is called IDXBroker and has a lot of realtor services. BTW, they even have a Squarespace support page and say that you must relink the entire menu. Personally, I love solving problems that others claim are impossible. 🙂
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