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  1. Hi! I'm not sure if my message reply to you fell through the cracks on this thread: 

     Thank you for the help.

  2. Hi! Could you please help me with the same request but for my client's site? It is 4 columns that I would like to stack on tablet, but just the section with "Community, Trust, Family, Creativity".... https://www.homemadeeventsroc.com/about pw: demo
  3. You are the best. That fixed it. Thank you so much! I'll mark your original help as the solution although you solved two of my issues.
  4. Yay! While this code fixed my border on mobile issue, now when you tap+scroll (so not tapping to open product page, but more like a hover tap & scroll), the square edges of the hover image appear. How can I get rid of that? Or would it be easier to just turn off the hover on mobile (if so, how would I do that?)? Edit: I'd like to add that this happens on iPhone iOS (I have a 14 Pro Max) - it doesn't seem to happen on the mobile via inside of Squarespace. This is what it looks like when tap+scroll (it flickers to this):
  5. Oh I'm sorry - the form to fill out to post this in the forum asked for the URL and I thought it would share it on my actual post. The URL is: https://www.thecreativeinka.com/shop
  6. So sorry! I am jus barely seeing your reply as I was never notified of your response. Thank you so much! That was my only issue - improperly inputting the js code injection.
  7. Hi there! hopefully @tuanphan sees this because this person is a genius. Okay so my new Shop page only has three products, and to match the rest of my website, I customized the images to have 35px border-radius and 2px border - but for some reason this is not translating to the mobile site. I've tried adding the mobile code to the custom css but I'm not quite getting it. Below is the code I currently have going: ////Shop Customizations//// .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item .grid-image{ border: 2px solid #000; border-radius: 35px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) } .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item:hover .grid-image{ border-color: #ca5741! important; box-shadow: none!important; } .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-main-meta .grid-title, h1.ProductItem-details-title { font-family: 'Otomanopee' !important; } /* 2 Column Product Grid */ @media only screen and (max-width:640px) { .products .list-grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; } .products .grid-item { width: 48%; } } .products .grid-image { width: 85% !important; margin: 0 auto; }
  8. Site URL: https://www.thecreativeinka.com/about Hi all - I've been trying to get this Rotating Words script to work on my About page for far too long. While it works just fine in the codepen.io website, it does not seem to want to animate when live on my Squarespace 7.1 FE page on my website. When the section is scrolled to/loaded, it seems to just jump once, but never rotates to the other words. What i've done/tried: Code block (this is where I placed the HTML code) Custom CSS (where I placed the CSS coding, coded under the block ID#) Javascript code: I've tried placing this in the page's code injection header within <style> tags, and have also tried to place it in Advanced > Code Injection, in the header - but neither option seems to want to make this animate as it should. I think my issue is where/how to place the javascript code as I do think I've placed the HTML and custom CSS in the correct places. This is the animation I am trying to insert: https://codepen.io/kenwestphal/pen/xqRZYZ Any help is appreciated.
  9. I've been trying to get this one to work on my 7.1 FE site and it won't.... https://codepen.io/kenwestphal/pen/xqRZYZ
  10. @tuanphan Have you been able to get that code to work? (Re: https://codepen.io/Rathijit/pen/EbQqPd) I've tried and it doesn't animate - it only bounces once and then nothing....
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