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Everything posted by mtschudi

  1. Damn, swift and effective. Thank you a lot, Ziggy you-ve made my day!
  2. Dear Community, during the mobile view, the portfolio titles ("Project Sanddune", "WIne Masterclasses", "Bespoke Perfume") are showing off misaligned. They are centered as they should, but at the same time with a kind of indent starting with each Title? The desktop version doesnt need any code to show it centered. I've managed to find a css code to change the alignment from left to right or to center (posted below). However, while it changes the alignment to left or right, when centered it shows the same misalignment. Maybe worth noting, that the portfolio titles (PS, WM, BP) have a mouseover image effect on the desktop version, not sure if that factors in when dealing with the mobile view. Is this solvable? Would be delighted about any tips 🙂 Thanks! Max Edit: Maybe it has to do with the line break, so if the titles cannot be truly centered, maybe the two words of each title (project sanddune, wine masterclasses, bespoke perfume) can be forced into one line respectively during mobile view, which would then be alignment properly just like during the desktop view? .portfolio-hover-items { text-align: left !important; align-items: flex-start !important; } .portfolio-hover-items-list { text-align: left !important; align-items: flex-start !important; justify-content: flex-start !important; }
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