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Posts posted by LFyel101

  1. Site URL: https://parrot-hibiscus-33rc.squarespace.com

    Hi Folks, 

    pw: homack101

    I'm used a bit of code I found on here to prepend my blog pages with a "back to" link. However my site is going to be using multiple blogs, and I need the "back to" links to be different on them both. One is going back to a people section and one is for an actual blog.

    https://parrot-hibiscus-33rc.squarespace.com/people/blog-post-title-one-nnsty-hd5zl on this section I've got it working fine, however for this section, https://parrot-hibiscus-33rc.squarespace.com/blog/blog-post-title-one-238h5 I want it to say "Back to Insights"

    this is the code I am using...

       jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
       $('<section id="back-to" class="Index-page"><div class="sqs-block-button button-block Index-page-content"><div class="sqs-block-button-container--center"><p class="sqsrte-small preFade fadeIn"><a href="/" class="sqs-block-">← Back to People</a></p></div></div></section>').insertBefore(".blog-item-top-wrapper");

    Is it possible to alter this so that it relates to the specific URLs, rather than just all blogs on the site? 




  2. Trying to create a counter for my slideshow gallery which changes number in relation to what image the slideshow is currently on. Initially had it working by creating a counter that changes when the arrows are clicked, but sometimes you can click the page and the image will not change (however the counter which detects the clicks will!)

    I wondered if anyone had any luck creating gallery pagination by getting the index of the image currently on display, however this level of javascript is a bit over my head. Any help would be greatly appreciated! If anyone had any plug ins to recommend rather than my own shonky javascript that would be greatly appreciated!

    I've created the counter by adding a code block below the image and inserting the following script. 


    <p class="counter"></p>
    let imageNumber = 1 
    const counter = document.querySelector("p.counter")  
    const nextButton = document.querySelector("a.next")
    const prevButton = document.querySelector("a.previous")
    const image = document.querySelectorAll(".thumb-image").length
    const galleryContainer = document.querySelector(".sqs-block-gallery")
    const imageSingle = document.querySelector(".thumb-image")
    let newCurrent = imageSingle.tabIndex
    const updateSection = function (){
     counter.innerHTML = `${imageNumber} / ${image}`
    const nextFunction = function (){
     imageNumber = imageNumber + 1
      if ( imageNumber > image )
      { imageNumber = 1 }
    const prevFunction = function (){
     imageNumber = imageNumber - 1
      if ( imageNumber < 1 )
      { imageNumber = image }
    nextButton.addEventListener("click", function (){
    imageSingle.addEventListener("click", function (){
    prevButton.addEventListener("click", function (){


  3. <script>
     // Changes the format of date on summary items
     var myObj = document.getElementsByClassName('summary-metadata-item--date');
     var options = {  year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric'};
     for (var i = 0; i < myObj.length; ++i) {
         var item = myObj[i];  
         var date = new Date(item.innerHTML);
          item.innerHTML = date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', options);

    Hi Folks, 

    Wondering if anyone can help, I've used the above code to get UK format dates on my summary blocks for events, but this doesn't work with events that have a date range rather than a single date. Wondering if anyone can help me get it working as its beyond my JS skills! It just shows "invalid date" for thumbnails that have an event spanning more than one date

    Any advice appreciated


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