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  1. @noraboeke-art @brianb123 @vcampaner @Thormod_RK @salensalen @petermayer @alpalbents @AdamMichael @clementine The solution to adding subtitles in overlay grid (without affecting pagination or browser tab text) is above, as presented by @tuanphan Good luck everyone.
  2. SOLVED! Thank you @tuanphan for providing the solution! Having tested on my page it works perfectly - this CSS adds the subtitle without affecting pagination, browser tab text etc. and does nor require any SEO adjustment as with the previous <span> method. Very clean solution. For anyone unclear, the href is the page url, i.e. if work/ceramics a.grid-item[href*="/ceramics"] h3:after { I have also included formatting code with each subtitle to set the subtitle style, though there may be a simpler way to achieve this? Example as follows: a.grid-item[href*="/url"] h3:after { content: "sub 1"; display: block; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em } Good luck all! Now to finally finish/publish that website...
  3. Hi @tuanphan Thank you for this... It's at this point I've discovered the code injection feature is for Business Plan and above... As I am not selling a product, I cannot justify paying +50% for my website only to solve subtitles and pagination! Is it possible to achieve the same result with custom CSS? Can jquery export code to this format? Thanks again, T
  4. @tuanphan @Thormod_RK I have been playing with the settings and come across the Project SEO settings. The default SEO settings includes all copy in the title (including span) shown by search engines and browser tabs, but this can be manually overridden using the 'SEO Title' field. See below: While this means manually editing each project, and does not solve the pagination issue, it at least allows subtitles without coding in the browser tab text. I hope this helps for now in absence of a CSS edit for the SEO reference etc.
  5. Hi @tuanphan It appears the /config URL is not an issue since I have made you admin (my browser also defaults to this as the site is private, and this is a global issue). '#' would be preferable to '<span>', and it would increase the copy permitted by the title field character limit, although the pagination issue would remain. Furthermore the test change does not seem to be successful (unless still in progress?) as the full entry including # is visible as a title (without subtitle on the grid). See below: I expect the custom CSS (below) would need to be amended to recognise the change in character? I have a limited understanding of how CSS syntax relates to outcomes so I would refer to your expertise on this. /* Portfolio subtitle */ h3.portfolio-title span { display: block; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em Many thanks, Tom
  6. @tuanphan Site URL as follows: https://harmonica-pike-w7w4.squarespace.com/config/pages/604b403ab027c34468c6a9b2
  7. @tuanphan Likewise, I have used the <span> code to create subtitles, but would like this to be excluded from browser tab and pagination. Does CSS code exist to this effect? My site is not public as in early stages of development. Thanks in advance.
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