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  1. Hi, I have the same issue with a massive white space just on mobile after a summary block: www.manuelaschweizer.ch/art can you please help? thanks so much!
  2. Hi Paul! wow, thanks so much for your quick answer!! With the product block it works! in order to compare your other suggestion: how could the "add to cart" button become fixed? an example product page is: www.manuelaschweizer.ch/shop/p/kinderwunsch-bundle thanks again so much! Manuela
  3. Hi, I would like to have a second "add to cart" button on my product pages in the "additional information" block. As I have a lot of information in the additional information block, it's not enough to just have 1 button at the top. How can I do this? Thanks a lot, manuela
  4. It works perfect, thank you so much!! 🙂 🙂 all the best, manuela
  5. Hi Tuanphan Thanks again for your solution, it works great! However, is it also possible to have something similar for the mobile version? I have a CSS code to have 2 products in 1 row for mobile and there it would be great if the prices could also be at the same height as it is now for the desktop version. See attachment how it looks currently. Thanks so much, manuela
  6. Hi Tuanphan, thank you so much!! It worked 🙂 all the best to you, manuela
  7. Hi Tuanphan, thanks a lot for reaching out! the shop URL is www.manuelaschweizer.ch/shop thanks, manuela
  8. Hi, I would like that all prices are on the same height in the store page, no matter if the product title is long or short. How can I do this? Attached you can see how it looks currently. When the product title is on 2 lines the price is showed lower than when the product title is on 1 line. thanks a lot in advance! manuela
  9. Hi, I used css code to change the background + text color of 1 navigation bar item. It worked well as long as the selected navigation item was a drop-down folder: Now I wanted to change the navigation link to 1 website instead to the folder, but now the text is not changing color and the navigation item is not readable as it's also white as the background: This is what I have added as CSS code: // Navigation Button 2 // .header-nav-item:nth-child(5) { background: white !important; opacity: 0.8 !important; color: #FFFFFF !important; width: 140px; border-radius: 2px; text-align: center !important; border: 2px solid #FFFFFF !important; } .header-nav-item a[href="/termin-buchen"] { color: #474d52 !important; } Do you know where the mistake is i.e. what I need to change? the url is: www.manuelaschweizer.ch thanks so much manuela
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