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Posts posted by Stijn

  1. 1 hour ago, creedon said:


    Please post the URL for your site.

    If your site is not public please set up a site-wide password, if you've not already done so.

    Post the password here.

    Adding a site-wide password is not a security breach. Please read the documentation at the link provided to understand how it works.

    We can then take a look at your issue.

    http://mushroom-sapphire-4xnj.squarespace.com/ Here's the site! PW is boyking


    Was hoping to change the 2nd link to a telegram logo. I am currently using custom CSS on the third link to get the discord logo!

  2. On 11/29/2020 at 1:53 PM, creedon said:

    Add the following to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > HEADER. 

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

    Add the following to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > FOOTER. 

      $( ( ) => {
        // replace SS generic svg social link icon with dicord
        const discordLinkPosition = 4;
        // do not change anything below, there be the borg here
        const discordSvg = '<svg ' + // id="Layer_1"
          'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 245 240">' +
          /* '<style>' +
            '.st0 {' +
              'fill: #FFFFFF;' +
              '}' +
            '</style' + */
          '<path class="st0" d="M104.4 103.9c-5.7 0-10.2 5-10.2 11.1s4.6 11.1 ' +
            '10.2 11.1c5.7 0 10.2-5 10.2-11.1.1-6.1-4.5-11.1-10.2-11.1zM140.9 ' +
            '103.9c-5.7 0-10.2 5-10.2 11.1s4.6 11.1 10.2 11.1c5.7 0 10.2-5 ' +
            '10.2-11.1s-4.5-11.1-10.2-11.1z" />' +
          '<path class="st0" d="M189.5 20h-134C44.2 20 35 29.2 35 40.6v135.2c0 ' +
            '11.4 9.2 20.6 20.5 20.6h113.4l-5.3-18.5 12.8 11.9 12.1 11.2 21.5 ' +
            '19V40.6c0-11.4-9.2-20.6-20.5-20.6zm-38.6 130.6s-3.6-4.3-6.6-8.1c13.' +
            '1-3.7 18.1-11.9 18.1-11.9-4.1 2.7-8 4.6-11.5 5.9-5 2.1-9.8 3.5-14.5 ' +
            '4.3-9.6 1.8-18.4 1.3-25.9-.1-5.7-1.1-10.6-2.7-14.7-4.3-2.3-.9-4.' +
            '8-2-7.3-3.4-.3-.2-.6-.3-.9-.5-.2-.1-.3-.2-.4-.3-1.8-1-2.8-1.7-2.' +
            '8-1.7s4.8 8 17.5 11.8c-3 3.8-6.7 8.3-6.7 8.3-22.1-.7-30.5-15.2-30.' +
            '5-15.2 0-32.2 14.4-58.3 14.4-58.3 14.4-10.8 28.1-10.5 28.1-10.5l1 ' +
            '1.2c-18 5.2-26.3 13.1-26.3 13.1s2.2-1.2 5.9-2.9c10.7-4.7 19.2-6 ' +
            '22.7-6.3.6-.1 1.1-.2 1.7-.2 6.1-.8 13-1 20.2-.2 9.5 1.1 19.7 3.9 ' +
            '30.1 9.6 0 0-7.9-7.5-24.9-12.7l1.4-1.6s13.7-.3 28.1 10.5c0 0 14.4 ' +
            '26.1 14.4 58.3 0 0-8.5 14.5-30.6 15.2z" />' +
        $( '.header-actions-action--social .icon:nth-child( ' +
          discordLinkPosition + ' ) svg, .header-menu-actions-action--social' +
          ':nth-child( ' + discordLinkPosition + ' ) svg' )
          .replaceWith ( discordSvg );
        } );

    This is for v7.1.

    If the position of the discord link changes in the header you can change the value for discordLinkPosition.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Hi Creedon! I used this code myself to get Discord as my third link and it worked great! However - I am trying to add Telegram as a 4th social link on my site. Anyway you can help me duplicate and edit this code to add that icon as well? Thanks a bunch!

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