Almost everything is wrong for AOC, trying to create posts on Squarespace. After 17 yrs on SS, I've NEVER had a months long experience this bad. A key problem is the summary widgets, which Anne of Carversville uses lavishly. The gallery block is right behind.
Countless core functions that do not work. So I'm looking for an Apple/Mac specialist to get me through this meltdown that is burying me.
AOC is running on 7.0, FIVE template.
Last weekend I opened a trial site in 7.1 . The summary widget works the way it should. What's happening in my actual 7.0 website with the summary widget is that it closes immediately with certain operations -- like choose grid style. Once it closes, the summary widget cannot be reopened -- for 6-8 wks minimum I've dealt w/this crippling problem. Basically, I can't execute a summary widget.
I have the identical problem of inability to open in the gallery blocks. I just went back to my 7.1 trial site, and confirmed that the summary widget works, as does reopening the gallery block.
BROWSER: identical problem in Safari and Chrome.
EQUIPMENT 2022 Macbook Pro M1; 2023 Macbook Air M3; 2023 iPhone 15; 2024 August latest, top-of-the line everything $3500 iPad. It’s basically worthless on Squarespace, and I refuse to buy a new pc. I don’t know if these issues are nonexistent on PC and are Apple specific.
SS doesn't handle summary blocks or gallery blocks in Apple Phone or new iPad. Even on wondrous new iPad in Safari, not an app, they won't open.
INITIAL CONSULT: My idea is to have an Apple/Mac expert connect w/me on FaceTime or other option, where I can show developer everything that is wrong. Once the problems are understood, you as developer advise on budget for restoring Squarespace functionality to Anne of Carversville. I will pay for the initial consult.
I'm looking for how to add a QuickTime video to my site and share with you all. In July SS customer service refused to even look at an Apple video file when they insisted that all is working beautifully, and the problem is mine. They did want me to use an outside service they recommend for a video, but my mine was 6 minutes, and I didn't know how to cut it down.
You can also reach me at; subject SQUARESPACE MELTDOWN.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anne