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Everything posted by dunker56

  1. I've just set up a way for people to donate via Paypal and have tested to see if it works. It does work but upon completing the transaction the recipient is greeted with a 'Thank You' message on my site but the colour theme is incorrect and I would like to sort that. The content of the Thank You message is fine, but I am at a loss as to where to find the option to either change the content of the Thank You message or even simply adjust the Colour theme. TIA.
  2. Hi peeps, Awhile back I used Rebecca Grace's Slider code to get some slider action going on my website, but along the way it broke and no longer works. I don't know if an update killed it or I did with some further code injections, woops. The blog entry where it no longer works is here; https://www.eddysummers.com.au/naturalvssatobi (The images are supposed to have a slider to show the differences between the two colour profiles) I had to be a bit sneaky with this iirc, this actually isn't a blog entry per se, but a blog page that points to another hidden page on the site whereby the content exists, otherwise the slider stuff seemed to affect all the other blog page entries with undesired results (if that makes sense), so this was my workaround at the time. The actual images are code links I think? here's the code when I go and click 'Edit'; --------------- <div class="sqs-block gallery-block sqs-block-gallery" style="padding:0px;"> <div class="sqs-block-content"> <div class="sqs-gallery-container sqs-gallery-block-stacked sqs-gallery-block-show-meta block-animation-none clear"> <div class="sqs-gallery"> <div class="image-wrapper sqs-active-slide" data-type="image" data-animation-role="image"> <img class="thumb-image loaded" data-src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0ed6ae5c41e6184a16e/1639297266896/IMGP2879nt.jpg" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0ed6ae5c41e6184a16e/1639297266896/IMGP2879nt.jpg" data-load="false" data-type="image" alt="ALTERNATE TEXT" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0ed6ae5c41e6184a16e/1639297266896/IMGP2879nt.jpg"> </div> <div class="image-wrapper" data-type="image" data-animation-role="image"> <img class="thumb-image loaded" data-src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0e023fa3061c93a69a8/1639297253281/IMGP2786sb.jpg" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0e023fa3061c93a69a8/1639297253281/IMGP2786sb.jpg" data-load="false" data-type="image" alt="ALTERNATE TEXT" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ffe734fb1c4a52c404bea7b/t/61b5b0e023fa3061c93a69a8/1639297253281/IMGP2786sb.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> --------------- Under Design>Custom CSS I have the following code; @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { section[data-section-id="6205c9597f1a9d535ceee684"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-img img { width: 100% !important; height: auto !important } section[data-section-id="6205c9597f1a9d535ceee684"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow { height: 50vh!important } } Under the Natural vs Satobi Page Settings>Advanced I have the following; Page Header Code Injection <!-- Image Slider --> <script> $(window).on("load", function () { $(".sqs-gallery-block-stacked").imagesliderblock({ before_label: 'Natural', // Set a custom before label after_label: 'Satobi' // Set a custom after label }); }); </script> <!-- End of Image Slider --> Under Developer Tools I have the following for Code Injection; Header <!-- Image Slider --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/s/jqueryeventmove.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/s/jqueryimagesliderblock.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/s/imageslider.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <!-- End of Image Slider --> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> Footer <script> $("img[alt='Eddy Summers']").parent().attr("href", "/main/"); </script> I think that is really all the custom coding I have on my site. This was awhile ago that I did all this, some of this code might not be relevant to this issue, maybe it is, I dunno... I would love SqSp to natively support sliders as this all feels way above my ability to handle on an infrequent basis, what I learn at the time to implement is soon forgotten. I should still have the tutorial I paid for with Rebecca Grace's slider code, I can rewatch that to see if anything looks amiss, but I fear that its actually fine and something else has happened or gone wrong to break this feature. Can anyone help or is this looking for too much assistance here? Kind Regards, Eddy
  3. So my Favicon (the little browser tab icon) is fine, but when I c/p my website I have this old logo that is cut off displayed and I need to get rid of it and replace with my branch thingy. Seeing 'ddy Sum' looks awful 😁 I'm not sure where on 7.1 to change this. Can anyone advise? Cheers!
  4. Hi, sorry I'm a bit of a noob at this, where do I c/p this code? Thanks
  5. Site URL: https://www.eddysummers.com.au/documentary-weddings I have a Slideshow: Full for my 7.1 site, on desktop its working fine, but on mobile it crops the width severely. I'm looking for a way to keep the width for this gallery on mobile. Is this possible? Cheers.
  6. I believe I want the same thing to occur for my site, none of the codes I have seen here thus far have worked for me. The 'Slideshow: Full' looks great on Desktop, but Mobile its 'squished/cropped'. Here's the page url, it is the very first gallery at the top of the page of the 3 images on rotation; https://www.eddysummers.com.au/documentary-weddings Can anyone help? Cheers.
  7. Thank you! That worked well except the gallery is now too wide, like it is TIGHT against the screen and when compared to the other galleries that are working it is a bit 'choppy changey'. Have a look here (I have applied your changes); https://www.eddysummers.com.au/documentary-weddings Is there a way to just have some padding left and right of the image (to align with the slider galleries etc)? I tried changing the width to 90% but that made it offset. I tried changing the padding values left and right to either 10 or -10 but that seemed to do nothing. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for that. It worked a charm on one of my pages, but for another page that already has an existing header code injection script... i cannot get it to work. This is the page; https://www.eddysummers.com.au/documentary-weddings And this is the existing script already in the header code injection; <!-- Image Slider --> <script> $(window).on("load", function () { $(".sqs-gallery-block-stacked").imagesliderblock({ before_label: 'Mono', // Set a custom before label after_label: 'Colour' // Set a custom after label }); }); </script> <!-- End of Image Slider --> I tried placing your script above or below it but it was still not taking affect. Any ideas? As you can see the script is pretty important as its a slider thing that I need to keep. Thanks again!
  9. Thank you Caroline, I shall give that a shot and report back.
  10. Site URL: http://eddysummers.com.au I've been working on my site thus far in Desktop mode. I created some galleries whereby the columns are 3 across. I noted on Mobile when viewing these galleries it's actually displaying then as 2 columns. I had a tinker about but could not understand or see a way to make a gallery display a certain amount of columns for when viewing on desktop vs viewing on mobile. In my instance Mobile would make more sense to just reduce the columns from 3 across to just one (so that the viewer swipes up or down to pan through the images etc). I'm guessing to resolve this some coding might be needed?
  11. I have a similar question, mine relates however to changing just the background colour from white to the same as my site background (grey). Can anyone help? The issue exists both from the 'Subscribe' newsletter; area as well as the Comment section of the Blog site; I guess I would like a black bordering perhaps as well as changing the area from white to match my custom background grey (which is hsl(0, 2%, 80%) Thanks!
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