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Everything posted by WCS

  1. @tuanphan It didn't work (it just cut off the top and bottom of the logo more), but that's okay! I ended up adding another that I formatted for mobile and then used CSS to hide it on desktop / hide the desktop carousel on mobile. Hope the move went well! 😊
  2. @tuanphan The css I've used previously to adjust height wasn't working. Do you have any suggestions?
  3. @tuanphan Do you know how to do this? Code I've previously used no longer works.
  4. I am modifying a site for mobile and there's a gallery fully of sponsor logos. On mobile, it only shows one logo and it cuts it off. Question: Is there a way to show 2 logos at a time without them being cropped? I can't share the url for the site, but here are the slideshow settings: What it looks like on desktop: On mobile:
  5. @Rhyan Yes! You need to use the block id # that matches your specific accordion. Download this plugin Squarespace ID Finder Go to the page with the accordion on your website and click the extension Find the #block-yui-_#### hovering over the accordion and click it (this will copy it) Replace the placeholder in the code with the unique block id you just copied You're also welcome to send me a link to the page and I can do this for you! Here's what it looks like for my accordion: So if I wanted to modify it, I would do: #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1709332417768_5305 .accordion-item__description{ color: red !important }
  6. I have a client that wants a redirect for one specific service product. Client will purchase and then it will go to a "thank you" page with more information. Is that possible? Everything I'm seeing doesn't allow for a page to be specified. I have encouraged her to do an automated email instead, but just in case, I thought I'd ask! TIA.
  7. @ellen_b Thank you for sharing! ☺️
  8. @ellen_b There is but I wasn't able to figure out how to apply it to your CSS. @tuanphan Do you have any insight?
  9. @zmalone Looks great (responsive) on my Apple monitor on Chrome! I don't see any gaps to one side. It may be worth clearing your cache to see if it displays correctly then since you've been making so many updates trying to get it to work. In case anyone else wants to take a look: https://www.zdmdigitalmedia.com
  10. @Ziggy Thank you! I find that anchor links sometimes can be a bit buggy, but I do like the idea of the tabs! I thought about the Universal Filter plugin but it seems like it may be more complicated.
  11. I am moving a client's site to Squarespace and she has a glossary with ~250 words. She's envisioning a bar at the top with the alphabet. When a letter is clicked on, it could either: Show only terms + definitions that start with that letter, Or it could skip down to that section in a long list. Does anyone have any resources for this?
  12. @pixelbypixel You should be able to achieve that look with this plugin from Will Myers! I used this on my 7.1 site prior to the Fluid Engine update and it worked great. https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/split-screen-layout-design-pack
  13. @sansari Can you clarify what you mean by storing it through email? Currently the only email storage is by receiving the form via email or connecting it to your Campaigns account. You can also store it in Google Sheets so that all answers are in one spreadsheet, but that's not directly via your email per se.
  14. @TheHouseOfMischief You could have one button for desktop and a second for mobile. Then you can use CSS to hide the mobile button on desktop and the desktop button on mobile. If you can share the site or give the block-#s I can give you the CSS.
  15. @Barbi You can do this by adding another button to the header! Here's a tutorial: https://bycrawford.com/blog/enable-two-buttons-in-header-squarespace If you want it to not look like a button (like the sample you shared), you can style the background to be white.
  16. WCS

    Blogging with 7.1

    @Shares When you add a blog, you'll see this in your side bar (Website > Pages): If you click on it, it will open up into this menu: The Blog Overview page is the collection page for your blogs. You can modify the layout by clicking 'Edit' in the top left corner, then hovering over the page and clicking 'Edit Section' in the floating menu box. Here you can pick the layout, size of the blog title cards, what information is displayed, etc. You can also add sections to this page if there's other content you want included, such as a title. Let me know if you have any additional questions!
  17. @Dominic_c Your CSS doesn't specificity what font size it's targeting. It should look something like this: #block-####### h2{ font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif !important}
  18. @flyturn33 Okay ... kuddos for having the most surprising site linked in a forum chat that I've seen! That was amazing. Can you share the code you're using so we can tweak it for your header? Gotta support you in your quest.
  19. @are2024 When the CSS isn't correct, it will show a default text instead. Just so you know, the font you downloaded is for personal use only. For commercial use, you'll need a special license. It looks like they have one specifically for web use: https://letterena.com/product/cathylise-janetson
  20. @are2024 (I started to post this in our other thread but thought it may be easier if it's here.) If you want to target a specific page only, you can using collection #s. You'll need to download the Squarespace ID Finder to find what these look like for those specific pages. They will be at the very top left hand corner with a yellow bar under the number. Here's a link to the plugin: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/squarespace-id-finder/igjamfnifnkmecjidfbdipieoaeghcff If you want to change a specific font only, you could structure if like this so that you're changing that font on all the listed pages (make sure you change the collection #s): #collection-6619636bcf1e215f4c56244c h1, #collection-65392e73f5c3792f1643650bf h1{ font-family: MrsEavesOT-Roman !important } If you want to change all the fonts on these pages, it may be easier to do it on a page-by-page basis: // Childrens Book Illustrations Page #collection-6619636bcf1e215f4c56244c h1, h2, h3, h4, p, a{ font-family: MrsEavesOT-Roman !important } You can also use the collection #s to modify things like the blog summary titles, etc.
  21. @semp083 Of course! ☺️ Congratulations on your engagement and happy designing!
  22. @semp083 There may be a setting or code applied that's messing with the text. Without being able to look at your site, it's a little hard to tell. An easy first step would be to use html specifying the color you want instead! Let's try this: Go to the form and click the pencil button Click Post-Submit and delete your message In the html box, copy and paste: <h3 style="color: #000000;">Received! Thanks so much for letting us know!</h3> You can replace h3 with p if you'd like it to be the same size as in your image. I personally like it when the post-submit text is a bit larger so that it fills up more of the space. #000000 is black but you can replace this hex code with whatever color you'd like it to appear as. For the header, do you want that gone completely or only the post submit? If you want it completely gone: Log into the backend of your website Go to Website > Pages Scroll down to Website Tools > Custom CSS Copy / paste the below in and click save. // Hide Form Title .form-title { display:none} I don't know of a way to remove it only once the form has been completed.
  23. @are2024 Yes, there is! Try the below and let me know if it works for you. I've included 2 options so that you can control if the change happens across your whole site or just for that one specific gallery. This code will work for every image slide title: .image-slide-title { font-family: aktiv-grotesk !important} If you want it only for that one section: section[data-section-id="661963b5ca5073631dc43b53"] .image-slide-title { font-family: aktiv-grotesk !important} Please note: I'm not sure what font you want the titles to be. You can replace the purple text with the font of your choice.
  24. @jadeeleanor I didn't know, that's why I was clarifying. Sometimes people have part of the solution but they can't customize it the way they want.
  25. @career_coach_jenn There is a way to add a subscription check box in a standard form but it doesn't add subscribers to a specific list, making it difficult to manage. Squarespace also allows for the selling of workshops and you can require custom forms at checkout to gather the information you need and set up an automated email response. The downside to this is that you'll have to upgrade your site to allow for these e-commerce settings. Modifying these settings will also happen with all products, so if you decide to sell more things you'll need to do so after the event. If you want to keep your form and sign up for Email Campaigns, you can get around all of this by: 1. Set up an email list for your event Marketing > Email Campaigns > Mailing Lists > Add (top right in the gray bar) 2. Create a page with a welcome message and a subscription opt-in box. Subscription box > Storage > Squarespace > Select the subscription list you created 3. Edit your current form Form > Content > Edit Form Fields Add a check box that they need to check confirming that they understand that after they submit the form, they will be redirected to a page to subscribe for emails surrounding the event. They must subscribe to receive the necessary information. Form > Content > Post-Submit > ReDirect > Input the url for the page you created Now when people fill out the form, they will be directed to that page. 4. Set up your automated email Marketing > Email Campaigns > Automations > Add (top right in the gray bar) Select Welcome Email and select a template Design your email Under email you'll see "Automation Settings." Click on it to edit the triggers. When a person Signs Up for [select the mailing list you created] Then Send Email [select time frame] Now people will get an email automatically after they subscribe. If you set up email confirmation, they will receive it after the confirm their subscription.
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