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  1. T_ME

    Social Sharing on 7.1

    Edit update: my advice only applies to SS 7.0 😬 @TooManySusans - the small icons are already included in your Squarespace design options. ShareThis is a free plug-in not related to Squarespace. I suggest you play around with these: Design > Site Styles > [type "Share Buttons" in Search Bar] SS also provides support here, as the specifics might depend on your template, version (7.0 v 7.1) or site style. Give it a read through. Also, you can checkmark the social icons you wish to include in your SS share buttons: Marketing > Share Buttons
  2. T_ME

    Social Sharing on 7.1

    Thank you. Tried 2x and the CSS worked perfectly on the 2nd try! 🙂
  3. T_ME

    Social Sharing on 7.1

    Hey. My site is: https://the-movementexplorer.com/blog . The ShareThis CSS was easy to install (except I have yet to fix the look on my Blog Archive page). Actually, no. I will try that. I've been copy & pasting my text from Google Docs into SS Blog - it messes up the line spacing. I've also heard that it's a good idea to Ctrl+Shift+V text into SS Blog Posts, but I choose not to do so because it takes away links, italicization, or bolded text.
  4. T_ME

    Social Sharing on 7.1

    Word - being unable to autosave blog posts is terrible! That in addition to blog post line spacing being wack AF in SS. Not sure if this has been addressed already (in this thread or other). I just injected ShareThis buttons onto blog post pages, but it also shows up on the Blog Archive page (ugh). Any CSS solutions on removing it from Blog Archive? Thanks all.
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