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Everything posted by TheVibe

  1. That was my fear. Thanks @paul2009 for braking this down. You wouldnt happen to have a code snippet would you 😆 lol. I was able to see it was running in some code in JavaScript but didn't see it in the code files, but seeing as it was built in to the template would explain why I saw it in inspect but not the sites "custom code". Thanks again for your input. Welp
  2. Hey @tuanphan both sites p: Bear777! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hey, I am looking to wrap up a client's project, but have been trying to replicate their dynamic inverted logo and nav that was on their site via 7.0 before being migrated to 7.1. I have been working on two test sites one a duplicate of the original with the example of what I'm looking to replicate. Then a duplicate of the current live redesigned site I am looking to replicate the dynamic inverted logo and nav items on for the homepage only. I have read a few forums and haven't had much luck. Hopefully, someone can assist. https://bear-chameleon-4ytb.squarespace.com/ This is the example. https://broccoli-polygon-765l.squarespace.com/ This is the testing site I am looking to replicate. I have tried this code below, which inverts but! not dynamically change based on the image [ex: dark photo light text or light photo dark text]. I know it will have to go in the page code injection to be strictly on the home page. I was just testing in CSS to get it set first. .header-title-logo img { -webkit-filter: invert(100%); filter: invert(60%); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(invert='1'); } Thanks 🤓
  4. @tuanphan https://bear-chameleon-4ytb.squarespace.com/ this has the example. https://broccoli-polygon-765l.squarespace.com/ this is the testing site I am looking to replicate on. Thanks
  5. Hey @tuanphan this should work on a site to dynamically invert a logo or nav items based on photo color. Ex: darker photo white logo, lighter photo darker photo[Home page hero image/top section has rotating background images]. Clients previous site had this but I can't seem to replicate on 7.1 fully. Thanks
  6. THANKS @tuanphan I APPRECIATE YOUR ASISTANCE! You come through on other post when I'm searching for answers too. 😁
  7. Ahh I see. They wanted the button to look like this https://amberinteriordesign.com/project/are-we-there-yet/ but on all pages. By chance do you know if I could style the button like this? I will let them know as far as the portfolio goes. Thanks Tuanphan!
  8. I appreciate it! I was able to play around and figure it out! I will check your code against mine! Always, appreciate the help!
  9. Is it possible to add Pinterset "Pin It" Button to portfolio images? Client would love it on all images including the portfolio images. I have the default button set but it's only on some images.
  10. Is there a way to do this but in reverse? So blog title appears as an overlay and then disappears on hover? Also...how to center text in the blog thumbnail? Your code is always supreme! Thanks
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