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Everything posted by MM_CA

  1. Site URL: https://www.soulslicepizza.com I'm using a dark theme for the overlay mobile menu, which means I have a lighter logo version I'd like to swap out when the menu is open. I've uploaded a lighter version of the logo for this purpose. I'm using the following css @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .header--menu-open .header-title-logo a { background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fc6fe0f791da6493f67c762/t/6020a88d5714ae7f74a1debe/1612753037570/logo+-+reverse.png'); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } what I notice is it does not swap the current logo, but seems to be positioned behind it instead. Is there another line of css I'm missing here? Is there a div i need to set an opacity value on?
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