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Everything posted by wearequbit

  1. Options one and three both worked, thanks again @nick_sh, but I went with option three as there are no SEO headaches. For anyone else struggling with this, it's simpler than you might think. All you need to do is paste the code below into your custom css and swap your default portfolio section for mine. /* hide Work portfolio section */ section[data-section-id="65c384eab6eba65f3d04fa51"] { display:none; }
  2. Thanks, @nick_sh, Option three sounds ideal - thank you! Great idea. Pretty sure that'll work but if not, I'll give option one a whirl. Option two - I think - would also hide the projects from SEO, which I'd rather avoid.
  3. Hi everyone, I've not found a way to do this, but maybe some bright button out there has... or can. I have a portfolio page (/projects) with individual projects inside (e.g. /projects/project-one). I'm not mad on the main portfolio page layout options, so I created my own out of a regular page (/work), containing links to the individual projects. I'd like to disable the /projects so it isn't discoverable, but that also disables to individual projects, so that's a no-no. If I could use a url redirect (/projects -> /work 301) from /projects to /work, that'd be great, but it doesn't work either. Does anyone out there understand what I'm going on about and, better still, know how to help? Cheers, Daniel
  4. @FilipKar one way or another, it looks like you solved it (🙌) - care to share how? plugin?
  5. Going out on a limb here, but I reckon we can all agree the squarespace menu bar is pretty limited, so I'm looking into alterative 'mega menus'. I quite like the one in the image pictured (see it in action here: https://kleendri.co.uk/), but I've drawn a blank trying to figure out who made the plugin. Any ideas and/or recommendations? Hope you can help : )
  6. no, me either - I guess you didn't find a workaround? cc: @E-W
  7. Great, here's the login: https://polygon-glockenspiel-ax86.squarespace.com/ pass: tuanphan I know I could easily recreate what's built within a single section, but I'm trying to figure out if it's possible for one bg image to span 2+sections before applying it to something more interesting"! : )
  8. ooh, I'd love to know how (single image spanning 2+ sections)
  9. @tuanphan marvellous - thank you, thank you 🙏 is it possible to target a specific folder (i.e. Conditions)? I thought adding :nth-child(5) would do it ('home' is hidden on desktop), but no luck...
  10. Looks perfect, thank @tuanphan👊 It'll be a few days before I get a chance to try it out but I'll get back to you either way
  11. @MichaelTwizzlers, @tuanphan Hi, did you get this to work? I'm facing the same issue, on desktop
  12. Good idea... and probably the best we can hope for within today's SQSP constraints. Thanks, @tuanphan
  13. This thread has been really helpful, so thank you all 👊 Now individual projects have been disappeared on page, is there anyway to hide them from search engines too?
  14. Hmmmm... no joy I'm afraid. I've uploaded the same SVG to a paid account while testing and tried both of these: section[data-section-id="631c69f1fdbd2e57f012701b"] .section-background img { content: url(https://qubitcreations.io/s/test.svg); } AND section[data-section-id="631c69f1fdbd2e57f012701b"] .section-background img { content: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fdb7da1e9dbd944f59586fc/t/63151af986d354370e0c0b60/1662327546464/test.svg); } Do you see anything amiss? https://qubitcreations.io/test tuanphan
  15. Well, that's strange - just created a new site and - BOOM - it worked. 🤔 It's lengthy code so the custom CSS section would quickly become pretty chaotic. I don't think it's possible under a trial, but if I uploaded an SVG file so it had this url (https://kazoo-tunny-bb76.squarespace.com/s/test.svg), is there a way for the section background to use this url instead? // code used: section[data-section-id="63175ad1f78caa7c9747b03d"] .section-background { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='100' height='100' viewBox='0 0 278.66 185.57' %3E%3Cpath fill='%239C92AC' fill-opacity='0.4' d='M517.33,89.82c-.53-4.56-5.72-6.52-7.37-10.55a468.5,468.5,0,0,0-57,1.07c-20-1.77-33.84-1.72-53-2.24-5-.14-10.06.72-15,1.19-5.3.5-10.63.32-15.7.46-9.76.27-18.86,1.57-28.11,1.26.72-.94-.64,0-.73,0-20,3.61-34.54-.66-51.11,1-15.14,1.55-31.15,0-47.1-.08-7.12,5.16-2,10,.83,16.79A560.5,560.5,0,0,0,279,169.4c13.55,22.46,27.2,44,39.84,66.22,1.87,3.29,4.82,6.52,4.81,10.56-2.35,1.94-6.69.88-10.58,1.16-3.56.26-7.77,1.33-11.67,1.53-4.35.22-8.6-.39-11.32.07-3.13.53-7.88,2.45-8.37,4.8-.92,4.43,2.84,7,4.81,9.47,12.41,1.35,21.14-.51,31.76-1.65,2-.21,4.14-.14,6.21-.4,2.69-.35,5.6-1.22,7.66-.78,4.31.94,99.36-4.2,101.12-5,2.87-1.29,9.85-.36,14.6-.45,8.1-.15,17.86-1.74,25.18-2,3.65-.12,7.08.83,10.22-.79,2.39-4.26-.75-9.8-3-13.49-15,.55-25.23,1.65-37.24,1.32-1.06-6.78,5-9.5,5.75-15.74,7.52-9.42,13.23-22.2,19.15-33.34,2.14-4,3.51-8,5.4-12.08,3.27-7,8.29-14.15,11.92-21.25,3.74-7.31,7.17-14.91,10.82-22.34,3.39-6.9,6.57-15.3,10.82-22.34,1.89-3.14,3.56-6.78,5.78-11C514.67,98.08,517.76,93.47,517.33,89.82ZM313.83,204.55l-.06-.1,1.14.24Zm-4-6.9-.36-.63c2.23.64,4.47,1.29,6.72,2Q313,198.3,309.81,197.65Zm-4.29-7.81-.8-1.47q6.85,2.49,13.79,5.21C314.14,192.27,309.82,191,305.52,189.84Zm-5.23-9.25q-.84-1.42-1.7-2.82,11.31,5,22.85,10.68Q310.77,184.24,300.29,180.6Zm-7.08-11.47-3.31-5.18q17.76,9,35.75,20.08Q309.21,175.8,293.21,169.13Zm-9.37-14.72q-2.74-4.36-5.39-8.83a515.19,515.19,0,0,1,51.18,34A503.81,503.81,0,0,0,283.84,154.41Zm-10.91-18.64c-2.26-4.26-4.4-8.66-6.38-13.25a565.11,565.11,0,0,1,67.38,53A510.93,510.93,0,0,0,272.93,135.77Zm-10.08-22.61c-2.5-6.91-6.41-13.18-7.84-20.09,28,21.77,57.47,49.61,84.21,79.37C314.21,149.53,287.95,129.1,262.85,113.16ZM261,90.34c3.73-.48,7.65-.17,11.31-.2q4.11,0,8.18-.13l-.32.71a971.45,971.45,0,0,1,64.24,78.75C318,140,288.86,112.25,261,90.34Zm26.2-.53c4.65-.16,9.31-.37,14-.58l-.13.25c19.07,28.62,35.11,54.1,48.73,77.47A974.86,974.86,0,0,0,287.19,89.82ZM307.73,89c3.73-.16,7.5-.3,11.34-.42l0,0c12.59,25.7,24.89,51.06,36.14,76C341.86,141.68,326.22,116.79,307.73,89Zm17.71-.59c2.89-.06,5.81-.1,8.79-.11h1l3.85,11.08c7.3,21,14.73,42.35,21.72,63.57C349.82,138.41,337.78,113.56,325.44,88.37Zm19.13,8.86-3.16-9.08q4.34-.1,8.75-.25,2.34,10.46,4.68,20.86c4.06,18.05,8,35.64,11.75,52.91C359.51,140.14,352,118.49,344.57,97.22Zm15.94,10.09q-2.2-9.77-4.4-19.6c2.74-.08,5.47-.14,8.17-.18q1.29,11.61,2.57,23.09c1.9,17.06,3.76,33.68,5.51,50C368.59,143.23,364.61,125.51,360.51,107.31Zm12.13,2.5q-1.24-11.08-2.48-22.29,2.59,0,5.13.11c.9,0,1.83,0,2.76,0,.07,24.53.12,48.74.15,72.45C376.42,143.7,374.55,127,372.63,109.81ZM384,160c0-23.62-.09-47.84-.16-72.47,2.59-.1,5.23-.24,7.88-.42q-2,18.79-3.94,37.2C386.52,136.47,385.26,148.35,384,160Zm9.59-35q2-18.92,4-38.25c2.2-.16,4.37-.31,6.48-.44l1.8-.1q-3.33,15.48-6.68,30.76c-3.23,14.78-6.38,29.22-9.39,43.41Q391.7,143,393.62,125ZM405,118.29q3.51-16.08,7-32.4c3-.15,6-.27,9-.35q-3.65,10.89-7.32,21.75c-6,17.81-12.12,35.92-18,53.93C398.66,147.18,401.78,132.9,405,118.29Zm14.19-9.09q4-11.86,8-23.78h.17c3.31,0,6.58-.12,9.83-.23L434.9,90c-11.26,23.88-22.74,48.23-33.45,72.38C407.22,144.61,413.24,126.76,419.16,109.19Zm21-16.61,3.53-7.5-.11-.13c4-.15,7.93-.3,12-.39-15.75,24.77-32.68,52-48.44,79.51C417.67,140.23,429,116.18,440.13,92.58Zm22.14-7.72-.19-.35c3.53,0,7.13.07,10.86.25,1.14.06,2.27.15,3.41.24-18.32,21.48-41.26,49.73-63.56,80.92C428.92,137.77,446.26,110,462.27,84.86Zm20.93,1.09-.24-.53c.46,0,.92,0,1.38,0,6.06-.05,12-.69,17.66.15-28.35,24-57.71,53.11-84.11,83.24C440.94,136.63,464.68,107.54,483.2,85.95ZM448.84,203.77,447,204l1.91-.43Zm3.7-7q-3.38.74-6.79,1.52,3.61-1.14,7.18-2.23Zm4.41-8q-6.66,2-13.41,4.1,7.19-3,14.28-5.66Zm5.31-9.46h0q-10.73,3.95-21.64,8.45,11.77-6.07,23.28-11.37Zm6.3-11.28-.1-.11q-15.61,6.91-31.72,15.26,17.39-11,34.63-20.33Q470,165.47,468.56,168.05Zm7.35-13.9-.19-.2q-21.33,11.08-43,24.86c14.34-11.08,30.28-22.43,47.41-33.14Q478,149.93,475.9,154.15Zm8.76-17.63-.28-.31A587.63,587.63,0,0,0,428,175.13a653.2,653.2,0,0,1,63.71-52.76Q488.14,129.41,484.66,136.53Zm16.13-31.79c-1.34,2.48-2.67,5-4,7.53l-.42-.39a647,647,0,0,0-72.86,59.39c26.35-29.94,55.58-58.83,83.73-82.48C507.19,94.59,503.45,99.84,500.8,104.73Z' %3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" ); background-position: center; background-size: auto; background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; }
  16. Hi @ebRa, I didn't locate the section on your website - does the code still work? I substituted my section ID but otherwise kept the rest of the code identical to yours, but no background shows. Any tips you or @tuanphan might have would be gratefully received!
  17. Any joy using this, @DPC_Alex? .sqs-block-button-element { font-family: 'SuisseIntlTrial-Regular'!important; }
  18. So glad I stumbled upon this thread before my brain fried. It was close, thanks, @tuanphan! Yeah, it seems to be a trial restriction. Did it work out for you too, @nazaninp? Suppose it makes sense to limit file uploads during the trial, but because it's an image it's easy to forget it uses a workaround.
  19. 1. It's not a very elegant solution, but you could use a Gallery Section, manually adding each project image and its URL. 2. No, not that I'm aware of unfortunately. Using a third-party paid plugin (like this https://squarepaste.com/shop/p/portfolio-filter) seems to be the way to go... for now.
  20. Site URL: https://bugle-llama-gtxn.squarespace.com/home-v2 Hello people, Using a 'traditional' squarespace Headline section with image, together with a transparent header, creates something like this: https://bugle-llama-gtxn.squarespace.com/home-v2. Password: helloworld The header is placed over the headline section. However when using the new(ish) AUTO Headline section, the header is placed above the headline section, as shown here: https://bugle-llama-gtxn.squarespace.com/. My question: has anyone found a way - and I'm not ruling-out my own ignorance! - of placing a transparent header over an AUTO Headline section? Any help would be hugely appreciated. Daniel
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