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Everything posted by nick_sh

  1. Try assigning z-index also to the parent of the button
  2. Try adding this to CSS: .Header-nav-item[href*="holiday-market"] { color: red !important; }
  3. Thanks. It seems you still require a proper js video player to support m3u8 playbacks, like plyr or videojs 😞
  4. I'm trying to reuse a video block for a different purpose with javascript. Is it possible somehow to get a full link to video source via code or by other means (e.g. asset library)? Currently video source in html is shown as a blob: <video src="blob:https://website-los-angeles.squarespace.com/ac379584-faf4-48a1-b350-2a88216df79b" playsinline="" webkit-playsinline="" data-poster="https://video.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55f9c8c4e4b09104215bfc07/6b464599-d27c-4311-91da-015f05522614/thumbnail" ></video>
  5. If you mean you don't want header to stay on top scroll, you need to removed Fixed header somewhere in header options
  6. You can try removing the background, but I will not recommend it: [data-header-style="dynamic"].header { background: transparent !important; }
  7. I think it's by design because if there were no background, it wouldn't show white text against the next white section.
  8. Are you setting the actual section to that color, e.g. do you set the first section to DARKEST 1?
  9. This code should cover everything, remove address line if you want address child labels not to be bold, e.g. Line 1, Country, etc. Address itself will still be bold: .form-block .title span:not(description), /* regular inputs */ .form-block .caption-text /* address child fields: line 1, etc — remove this if you don't want them bold */ { font-weight: bold !important; }
  10. .header-nav-item a span { display: block; }
  11. You need to target links based on page id. E.g. (you need replace with proper page ids) #collection...2189182 .shop-link { background: white; } /* all other pages */ body:not(#collection...2189182) .interior-link { background: white; }
  12. Try this instead of the 2nd block: .header-nav-item a:hover span { background: lightpink!important; padding: 5px 12px; border-radius: 50px; transition: all ease-in-out .2s !important; }
  13. If your text is wrapped into another element, e.g., span, you need to target it to have the pill effect. Can you provide link to the site?
  14. No CSS is needed, if you set the first section's color, you change logo and nav color in Site Styles → Settings.
  15. Here is a JavaScript solution, it covers all fields I believe and also is not announced by screen readers unlike CSS one. JS: addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { document.querySelectorAll('.form-block').forEach(form => { var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { for(var i=0; i<mutations.length; ++i) { for(var j=0; j<mutations[i].addedNodes.length; ++j) { if(mutations[i].addedNodes[j].classList.contains("react-form-contents")) { var form = mutations[i].addedNodes[j]; /* here we add the asterisk */ form.querySelectorAll('.description.required').forEach(requiredLabel => { requiredLabel.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `<span aria-hidden="true" class="asterisk-required">*</span>`); }); obs.disconnect(); } } } }); obs.observe(form, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); }); CSS: .description.required { visibility: hidden; } .asterisk-required { position: relative; top: -3px; color: red; margin-left: -5px; } Source & full explanation here: https://opsqs.com/tutorials/replace-required-with-asterisk-in-squarespace-7-1-forms-properly/
  16. Yeah I tried but no luck. Had to recreate the website.
  17. So I rolled out a new site and it seems to have a feature called "New content" in section options. Not sure if that's connected, but fluid engine row height is completely broken now. Is there an option to opt out from this and bring back original Fluid Engine? Older sites seem to be unaffected.
  18. @ClaireHops Great! Please mark as correct so others can benefit from the answer too — thanks.
  19. You need to make text blue on hover, and position ::before absolutely: .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--large:hover { color: var(--secondaryButtonBackgroundColor); } .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--large:hover::before { content: "voir le forfait"!important; color: white; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); }
  20. @mbuishas it might be a cache issue, e.g. Facebook sometimes requires cache to be reset at: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ ^ Try using this tool and see if images changes. If not, probably it's wasn't changed on the site. Not sure about if it possible to clear imessages cache though.
  21. Are you adding to Custom CSS? It maybe an error before so code isn't processed. Because it works if applied directly to the site.
  22. @graphicabyss This id seems to target a button. Also code doesn't seem to apply although it's correct for hiding.
  23. The flex-start code it correct, it works for me with flex-start. But maybe add !important;
  24. Try removing removing div, it should work: .title span { font-weight: bold !important; }
  25. There are 3 options: 1. You can try redirecting with js from portfolio page itself, not sure how it's treaded by Google though. Try adding to code block: <script> window.location.replace('URL') </script> 2. Alternatively, move portfolio page to not linked, and hide it from SEO. 3. You can add regular sections to portfolio page, so you can just use those and hide the actual portfolio section.
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