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    denisebmitchell got a reaction from wanderingjam in gallery grid strips in 7.1   
    I completely agree - the row heights that you can supposedly choose don't effect the rows at all, and end up giving huge row heights and small ones...
    Hopefully someone can help solve this!
  2. Thanks
    denisebmitchell got a reaction from creedon in Disable thumbnail blog thumbnail image from being click or changing the link   
    @creedon Thank you so much!
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    denisebmitchell reacted to creedon in Disable thumbnail blog thumbnail image from being click or changing the link   
    If you remove the following line from the code provided that should stop the new tabs opening.
    aPosts[i].target = "_blank"; Alternately you could comment it out by adding "// " (without the quotes) to the beginning of the line.
    Let us know how it goes.
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    denisebmitchell reacted to PoetessWebmaster in Disable thumbnail blog thumbnail image from being click or changing the link   
    Rather than disabling the thumbnail image clickthru, I had good results using Code Injection to set the clickthru URL of the thumbnail image to match the clickthru URL of the post title, which is the post Source URL.  I used the following Javascript code.
    <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initBlogImageClickthrus); window.addEventListener('mercury:load', initBlogImageClickthrus); function initBlogImageClickthrus(){ var aPosts = document.querySelectorAll(".blog-masonry .image-wrapper"); var i; for (i = 0; i < aPosts.length; i++) { var sPassthroughURL = "#" var oPassthroughLink = aPosts[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".passthrough-link"); if (oPassthroughLink) { var sPassthroughURL = oPassthroughLink.href; aPosts[i].href = sPassthroughURL; aPosts[i].target = "_blank"; } } } </script>  
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    denisebmitchell reacted to tuanphan in Lightbox captions only?   
    Yes. Possible.
    I remember I used to code each client, to let the lightbox caption allow the use of HTML tags. Trying to find that code again, it's been a long time.
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    denisebmitchell reacted to tuanphan in Lightbox captions only?   
    Can you share link to page in screenshot? I don't see it on homepage
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    denisebmitchell got a reaction from Beyondspace in Lightbox captions only?   
    Thanks for sharing code and helping out on this topic - this is also something I am trying to achieve!
    Site: https://ferret-goose-4blj.squarespace.com/
    PW: TrialSite
    I am trying to also have captions on my gallery images JUST on light box. I'd like the caption to always meet the bottom of the photo (see example), be right aligned, and I am also wondering if there is a way to get a caption on two lines, the quote italic & the top line bold (again, see example)
    I used the code above but it did nothing for me. Perhaps some other code or CSS I am using is getting in the way? Any advice or solutions would be fantastic!
    Thank you.

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    denisebmitchell reacted to christyprice in Hover effect on a gallery in 7.1   
    Hi @laurenruth1,
    This should get you close. You can play around with the opacity value to make it more or less opaque:
    .gallery-grid-item-wrapper:hover img { opacity: 0.3; }  
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    denisebmitchell reacted to lizziejacklyn in Sticky / Fixed "Section" in 7.1   
    @tuanphan this is excellent! I've adapted this to use on my site and it's working great, but I'm wondering if there's a trick to getting it to appear on every page? I added the code injection to the universal header injection in Settings but it's still only appearing on the page where I initially created the sticky section. 
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    denisebmitchell reacted to tuanphan in Sticky / Fixed "Section" in 7.1   
    Hi. Which section?
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    denisebmitchell reacted to photography in gallery grid strips in 7.1   
    No idea.... but really frustrated with the same issue! Commenting in case someone else solves this!
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    denisebmitchell reacted to willrothfuss in gallery grid strips in 7.1   
    Site URL: https://willrothfuss.com
    Is there any way to make the height of gallery section grip strips consistent in 7.1? The size of each row seems to change randomly with the width of the browser window. I also for the life of me can't figure what the "row height" slider actually does.
    I'm a little leery of inserting code, but if this is recommended, should I make a copy of the site for safety?
    I am frustrated with the limited gallery options in Squarespace.
    Website is willrothfuss.com and password is willweb
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