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Everything posted by ItsOK

  1. The reason why it is technically impossible for this to be a browser or cache error is that it happened in this order: 1. I've made most of the changes. 2. I saved the revised versions multiple times. 3. I couldn't figure out how to handle one last requested revision so I contacted @tuanphan —as one of the most helpful members of this community— for a custom code. 4. He wrote it for me, and I added to the page, and it worked perfectly! 5. I thanked him, showed the website to the client, and got their approval. 6. Then, after a few days, today, I logged in to Squarespace and noticed that none of the revisions are there, accept for the code I inserted in the page! Code doesn't do anything now, because the video I added earlier that is addressed by the code is not even on the page! This is so mysterious and frustrating. (It's not been archived by Wayback Machine either by the way, but the problem is not that I don't remember how I designed it. I can do the changes again from my memory, in a very similar way, by spending A LOT of time, but why would I need to do that and how can I be sure that it won't happen again are the questions. 😞
  2. Thanks for your reply, Derrick. Unfortunately that doesn't apply to me. I checked the page on different computers and the changes are not there 😞
  3. Hi, I’ve been working on a website for some time now and recently made several changes to a specific page. Throughout the revision process, I saved the page multiple times and tested it across different browsers. I also added a custom code (thanks to @tuanphan and presented the changes to the client. However, when I logged in today to make a few more additions, I noticed that all the changes I made are gone. Interestingly, the custom code I added is still there, even though I added it after making some of the revisions that are now missing. I’ve been building websites via Squarespace for years and have never experienced anything like this before. These changes were quite time-consuming, and I’m hoping not to redo them. Could you please provide any insight into why this might have happened? Is there anything I can do to revert back to the revised version? Thanks! Ozan
  4. Same problem here. I solved my own issue by upgrading to the latest software (iOS/iPadOS 17) but we can't assume that everybody will upgrade. This has to be addressed by Squarespace.
  5. Thank you for your reply, @Beyondspace. Yes, this one has Business Plan.
  6. Hi Friends! I've just started using Weglot integration for easy translation of a website for a client (www.salvadorcarrasco.me), and so far, it worked like a charm! Except for one little thing... I was wondering if there is a way to hide the active language in the language selector menu. When you're viewing the default English version and click the language selector on the menu, you still see English even though that's already the active language of the website. I would like to only show Spanish on the English version, and English on the Spanish version. (I saw one message related to the subject but the shared code didn't work for me.) Thanks in advance for your time! All the best, Ozan
  7. I don't know what I would do without your generous support @tuanphan. Thank you so much for what you've been doing for this community.
  8. Hello Friends, On this page (https://goldfish-radish-4xds.squarespace.com/the-other-conquest -- Password: 2023), in the slide show under 'Images with Comments' title, I'm hoping to customize the overlay text formatting so that it's more legible. I would like to add some padding from each side, make the type slightly larger, and if possible, add a color overlay with 40-50% opacity at the background (to be shown when hovering the mouse over). Is this possible? Thank you so much in advance! Ozan
  9. Hi Guys! I think I've solved this issue. In Photoshop; — Open your image — Go to Edit / Convert to Profile — Under Destination Space, select 'sRGB IEC61966-2.1' — Click OK — Save your file (preferably as a PNG) — Place it in your Squarespace website This solved the exact same problem I was having. Hope it will fix yours as well. Cheers.
  10. You are the best @tuanphan. Really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  11. Site URL: https://rust-soybean-ynmj.squarespace.com/ Hello Friends! I have a quick question. To this site [ https://rust-soybean-ynmj.squarespace.com/ (Password: bob) ], I added a custom font and it worked flawlessly on Chrome, but it doesn't show on Safari for some reason. Would anyone have an idea why that happens? Thank you in advance! Ozan (P.S.: The font I installed is the demo version, and I just wanted to mention that I will purchase the proper license if I can make it work on Squarespace and the client approves it.)
  12. This is great! Thanks a lot @tuanphan! For others who might benefit from this thread, I've also found this code which allows to change the background color of that overlay: .header-menu-bg {background: #0e0e0e !important;}
  13. Site URL: http://www.ozankarakoc.com Hello Friends! (My website is at www.ozankarakoc.com and I'm in the Business Plan.) Thanks to an earlier post, I achieved to force the hamburger menu to show up on desktop, but I couldn't find a way to format the overlay that opens when clicking the hamburger menu icon. The font size is too big that, when I place all my menu items, a scroll bar shows up, which looks unprofessional. Is there a way to make the font smaller or reduce the line spacing so that all the navigation items fit in the overlay? Thanks in advance! Ozan
  14. Thank you so much dear tuanphan. Should I assume that it's not technically possible to change the font size for all of the days (even the ones without events) in the calendar, the color of the boxes of all days, and standardize the size and position of the overlays?
  15. It's there actually, if you scroll down a bit.
  16. Site URL: https://goby-icosahedron-jc2m.squarespace.com/events Hi Folks, I have a few questions about the calendar customization in 7.1. Here is the page I'd like to display my calendar: https://goby-icosahedron-jc2m.squarespace.com/events (password: circle) I'd like to be able to: Change the background color of the boxes (days). Now, it's too subtle that on some screens it's almost impossible to understand the tone difference. Change the event date tag color (now white) Make the font size of the days larger And (probably the most difficult one) put a standard to the hover windows. Now, one event opens an overlay that fills two boxes, while the other one fills four. Looks completely random and doesn't make any sense to me. (Please see the images attached) Thank you so much in advance for your help. Best, Ozan
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