How can purchaser select/buy multiple products that includes further selecting unique customizations for each product?
Example -
1) they go to checkout,
2) they select 2 quantity (2 products)
3) they can select only 1 single color for this in the drop down, not 2 different colors in that step. (They're not going to choose the same color for both is the issue).
Live Q&A - Ask a Squarespace Product Manager: Optimizing your store, Feb. 6th at 12PM EST
in Commerce
Posted · Edited by Kristin_InMotion
How can purchaser select/buy multiple products that includes further selecting unique customizations for each product?
Example -
1) they go to checkout,
2) they select 2 quantity (2 products)
3) they can select only 1 single color for this in the drop down, not 2 different colors in that step. (They're not going to choose the same color for both is the issue).
Thank you for your help!
Kristin - InMotion Albums