I have the same problem. I'm all right brain and clueless how to do any coding....
Client has an excel file with item number, location, specs and details, etc. It's not big, maybe 200 items. I want to be able to key in just the item number and the location/name would result in the search.
Login to: https://caper-gar-842p.squarespace.com/config/
Password: GIFTreview922
Data: want user to be able to put in item number and the results would pull up the location and description (tree database kept in excel file).
Excel file.
Users find tree tag and can come to this site to put in the tree tag number which will give the tree name, location, girth, age and local history details.
See attachment.
Thank you SO much!!!!
a link to the website, whether it's in progress or fully built. Note that the link needs to be public, so if it's a trial, you need to set a password and tell us what it is.
full details of the data you want to display.
details of where the data is currently held.
details of why/how visitors need to be able to search the data
a mockup of how you'd like to see it work