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  1. This is how I tend to do it, I would still like a bit more of a gap, but its OK. Edge to edge to then scale the gap.
  2. Cool... https://swan-oarfish-hpmr.squarespace.com/
  3. @tuanphan This worked perfectly - Thanks Buddy
  4. Here is the URL - its stil in build... hopefully you can see it if Logged-in to your SS account. https://swan-oarfish-hpmr.squarespace.com/solutions Password - Design01
  5. Any ideas on how to get rid of the cyan background on these links in the dropdown?... I have some custom CSS for the active link (1px cyan underline)... but it's also influencing the links within the drop-down.
  6. Hi guys, is there any way for the active NAV link? Underline to sit at the bottom of the NAV head? Effectively, where are the red liners?
  7. Its more of a Chrome issue? It happens to me in Figma editing online. It's fine in Firefox or Safari I've found.
  8. I'm getting the same problem - the FAQs section is not moving down dynamically and overlapping in the section below it. It will fit if you widen the browser window, but who's going to do that 😄 URL: https://intropic-info.io/careers
  9. The only way to have Nav dots is to buy a plug in. https://www.sqspthemes.com/plugins/gallery-dot-nav (for 7.0 pages)
  10. The only way to have Nav dots is to buy a plug-in. https://www.sqspthemes.com/plugins/gallery-dot-nav (on 7.0)
  11. Thanks, I was just overthinking it a little, Your snip was missing '}}'... This works great. /* Mobile resize code block */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { div#block-62452260eb439022d3cd { width: 50%; } } Thanks
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