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  1. I'm also looking for a better answer to this. I'm building a website for my mom to sell her jewelry, and for her necklaces, the chains are an add-on that you can buy along with her pendants. What I ended up doing was creating a separate, unlisted product for each chain and linked to it from the appropriate pendant page (saying "this listing is for the pendant only - if you'd also like the chain, click here" and having that take you to a listing for the chain only, but pictured with the pendant again as the chains are curated to each pendant). It's not ideal but it's better than accidentally selling two of a one-of-a-kind pendant or listing the relatively inexpensive chain alongside the expensive pendant and having the listing show the lower price. I'm definitely interested if anyone has a more streamlined way, to include an 'add-on' type lower priced item directly in the listing without the listing showing the price of that lower item as a "priced from ___" on the main page.
  2. Just belatedly seeing this post - could it be of any help to only allow in-store pickup to local buyers? You can determine in each shipping method who it's offered to, so you could only offer that one to folks in your state, or to certain zip codes in your state, and then it would at least stop offering local pickup to anyone far away. It won't help with offering the free options first for your local buyers who want you to ship it (I'm still waiting for that fix too), but it's a start.
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