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  1. Agreed. The less clicks to sign up or log in, the better. More clicks + more complicated = less sales. At least let me change the colors to match the branding of my "members only" specific color-scheme. Which differs from the main public site. Public -https://www.drustvovec.si/ Members - https://www.drustvovec.si/mladinska-orodjarna
  2. I have the same question. I would like to approve members before they join as well as collect additional information, even if it's a free subscription. Is this possible?
  3. Hey, I found a solution to translate all of the event elements: the months, pagination, "back to all events," etc. Put this in the HEADER (and scroll below to see what goes in the FOOTER). HEADER: <!-- Translate event elements-- Squarespace circle forum and chatgpt thankyou --> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment-with-locales.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Translate specific terms $(".eventitem-sourceurl").each(function() { var htmlContent = $(this).html(); $(this).html(htmlContent.replace("Source:", "Vir:")); }); $(".eventitem-meta-item.eventitem-meta-cats.event-meta-item").each(function() { var htmlContent = $(this).html(); $(this).html(htmlContent.replace("Posted In:", "Objavljeno v:")); }); $(".eventitem-meta-item.eventitem-meta-tags.event-meta-item").each(function() { var htmlContent = $(this).html(); $(this).html(htmlContent.replace("Tagged:", "Označeno:")); }); // Translate dates in event pagination $(".events-item-pagination-date").each(function() { var originalText = $(this).text(); // Get the original text of the element var momentDate = moment(originalText, 'D MMMM'); // Parse the date if (momentDate.isValid()) { // Check if the date is valid var translatedDate = momentDate.locale('sl').format('D MMMM'); // Translate the date to Slovenian $(this).text(translatedDate); // Update the text with the translated date } }); // Translate the event date if ($(".event-date").length) { var translate = moment($(".event-date").attr("datetime")).locale("sl").format('dddd, MMMM D, YYYY'); $(".event-date").html(translate); $(".product-price") .contents() .filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; }).remove(); } }); </script> ---------- FOOTER <!-- Translate 'Back to All Events' on Squarespace 7.1 -------------------------------------> <script> window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { var backEvents = document.querySelector(".eventitem-backlink"); if (backEvents) { backEvents.innerHTML = "Nazaj na tabore in aktivnosti"; } }) </script>
  4. I tried this for my 7.1 site and it doesn't seem to work. Do you know of any adjustments that can be made so that it works? https://www.drustvovec.si/tabori-in-aktivnosti/english-camp-radovljica
  5. I also would like to disable the event clickthrough, however I would like to have events that link to a different URL. I found a workaround to make links in the event settings excerpt to be styled as a button, so I can link to an external URL. However, when I use the code provided above to disable event title links, it also disables links in the excerpt. Is there a way to disable the event title and image clickthrough (or enter a custom URL for them to click through to) and still allow the excerpt to include clickable external links? Here is a link to my site. It's messy. I'm still in process of switching to 7.1 and moved over before we were really ready. https://www.drustvovec.si/tabori-in-aktivnosti Here is the code I have in Custom CSS: /* Hide 'View Event' button */ a.eventlist-button.sqs-editable-button.sqs-button-element--primary { display: none; } /* Style event links to button */ .sqs-events-collection-list .eventlist .eventlist-event .eventlist-excerpt a { display: inline-block; padding: 1em 2.5em; border: 2px solid #ed2c2c; background-color: #ed2e2d; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal; letter-spacing: .05em; line-height: 1.1em; text-transform: uppercase; color: #ffffff; border-radius: .5em; } /* don't allow event clickthrough url */ article.eventlist-event { pointer-events: none; }
  6. Yep - same question posted here - My guess is people won't last long in Squarespace email campaigns and will switch to similar services like Mailchimp (easier to use, advanced analytics, better design interface).
  7. Any word on this? I'm still experiencing the same issue. It should look like this: But in dark mode it changes into a nasty green:
  8. Also wondering about this. No way is this a useful feature if we can't edit. Also would like option to import with tags or edit multiple contacts tags at once. This mailing list "feature" is a marketing hoax. Really unfortunate. My confidence in Squarespace providing a clean and simple solution for their customers just dropped like 100 points. This is ridiculous.
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