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  1. Perfect! Thanks again Tuan! You're the best! 🙂
  2. The code worked for 7.0, but is there a way to make this work for 7.1? I'm going to switch my site to 7.1 next month and didn't realize that the code wouldn't work for the new version. Here's the link to a new 7.1 demo site where I tried to test it: https://primrose-raccoon-9ycp.squarespace.com/?password=demo Apologies!
  3. Oh wow that's so awesome! You're a genius! Would it be possible to make the carousel a little smaller so it shows 3-4 items like in my attached screenshot?
  4. Sure! This is the link to my site: https://www.neutrallynicole.com. I was testing the idea on a separate non-linked blog here: https://www.neutrallynicole.com/blog-ltk Here is the widget code: <div class="shopthepost-widget" data-widget-id="5042831"><script type="text/javascript">!function(w,i,d,g,e,t){d.getElementById(i)||(element=d.createElement(t),element.id=i,element.src="https://widgets.rewardstyle.com"+e,d.body.appendChild(element)),w.hasOwnProperty(g)===!0&&"complete"===d.readyState&&w[g].init()}(window,"shopthepost-script",document,"__stp","/js/shopthepost.js","script")</script><div class="rs-adblock"><img src="https://assets.rewardstyle.com/production/35d334331b834e6e41e4f03813372a832b67c146/images/search/350.gif" onerror='this.parentNode.innerHTML="Disable your ad blocking software to view this content."' style="width: 15px; height: 15px"><noscript>JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.</noscript></div></div>
  5. As a style blogger, I love the idea of quick shoppable links, so I want to find a way to insert code after my blog post excerpts, OR ideally, be able to just paste my code (it's a javascript code) directly into the excerpt itself in order to display a "shop the post" widget carousel of affiliate products from my LTK. (I pasted the code into one of my blog post excerpts here for reference: https://www.neutrallynicole.com/blog-ltk — obviously it shows up as text but I would like it to show the actual widget) I've attached screenshots of what I have now vs. what I would like to to look like using custom code. My site is currently on 7.0 but I will be switching to 7.1 within the next month. I see a lot of bloggers on WP that have this sort of plugin and I can't find a way to replicate it for Squarespace so I would love to find someone who is capable of creating this sort of function for me (I will pay you of course!). Thanks so much in advance! 🙂
  6. Hi Ziggy! I fixed it. I wound up having to copy another code block that was already the size I needed, then pasting in my code after the block was sized correctly. If I try to resize the code block after the fact, it would automatically make the block larger (4x4 grid or more) by default. This is definitely a glitch with the fluid engine blocks and not a content issue. Thanks for trying to help though, I appreciate it!
  7. I'm having an issue with sizing code blocks on mobile. I'm able to get the block sized down to fit 2 grid squares wide and 1 grid square tall on desktop, but on mobile the smallest it will go is 2 grid squares tall when I need it down to 1 grid square tall (I've added screenshots in case this doesn't make sense). Is there a way to fix this? It's making the section its in too tall on mobile. The website I'm referring to is: https://leneutralchicdemo.squarespace.com/?password=demo
  8. Can anyone help me change my summary block image ratio from anamorphic widescreen to 3:4 vertical on mobile? Thanks in advance! 🙂 https://thatgirl-demo.squarespace.com/ (password: demo)
  9. Yeah I noticed that too after the fact and I can't figure out how to fix it. I contacted the youtuber and let her know but I haven't found a fix for that overflow yet but this was the closest I could get to achieving what I wanted. Is you have any suggestions please let me know! 🙂
  10. This tutorial should help! I used it myself for the same reason and it works great!
  11. I FOUND A FIX! This tutorial helped me to create a wavy background that follows the exact same direction as the marquee text:
  12. UPDATE: Squarespace support is looking into the responsiveness issue regarding the marquee block. In the meantime, the only workaround I could do was to create a code that "turns off" the wave once I reduce the page width so that the marquee text doesn't look misaligned. It works great when I view the mobile version from the editor, as well as from the mobile viewport on my desktop when I inspect the page. HOWEVER, when I view it from an actual mobile device nothing changes and it still shows the original wave marquee. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 😂 I've been able to successfully do other mobile workarounds this way but this is the only type of block than just refuses to change on mobile no matter what. Here is the code I used for reference: @media only screen and (max-width: 1250px) { .Marquee-path {d: path("M-550,51.636 L-550,51.636 S-183.15,51.636 0,51.636 S366.85,51.636 550,51.636 S916.85,51.636 1100,51.636 S1466.85,51.636 1650,51.636 S2016.85,51.636 2200,51.636") !important;}} Any insight on this as to what went wrong?
  13. Yeah this is such a bummer as these blocks are totally useless for mobile unless they're only in a straight line. 😅 I've contacted Squarespace support regarding this as it's a big issue with their responsive design. I appreciate your reply!
  14. I created a scrolling wave block that aligns with the wave section divider below it. It looks great on desktop, but on mobile it's completely misaligned. I've attached screenshots for reference. Is there any way to fix this issue? Thanks in advance! Here is the website I'm referring to: https://natrlandnutrldemo.squarespace.com/?password=demo
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