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Everything posted by Karen_Ruby

  1. Hi Sam, Apologies I thought the URL was included: https://www.karenyeomans.com/
  2. Hello, could someone clever help me with a change to my site's gallerys? They have always worked with the below code to force either gallery as 2 mobile/4 desktop items. Now I'm finding they can trip to 3 dependant on window size. Has something changed? Thanks for any help in advance. Karen /*Grid Galleries*/ /*Set galleries 2 columns on small tablets & mobile*/ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { /*Home page*/ #collection-5f0838d6114117107d0633a7, /*Portfolio page*/ #collection-5f0dc75be4b78a3c97a770d6, /*Commissions page*/ #collection-5f084534dd6f773fb0a43fb9 { .gallery-grid--layout-grid .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-columns: repeat(2,auto) !important; } } } @media screen and (min-width:768px) { /*Home page*/ #collection-5f0838d6114117107d0633a7, /*Portfolio page*/ #collection-5f0dc75be4b78a3c97a770d6, /*Comissions page*/ #collection-5f084534dd6f773fb0a43fb9 { .gallery-grid--layout-grid .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-columns: repeat(4,auto) !important; } } }
  3. I see it's possible to draft a duplicate of my site - I would like to Duplicate/Draft Re-design/Overwrite the existing subscription. Is this possible and does anyone have tips on the best process to upgrade to fluid form design with existing structure/content with new clothes? Thanks so much Karen
  4. I see it's possible to draft a duplicate of my site - I would like to Duplicate/Draft Re-design/Overwrite the existing subscription. Is this possible and does anyone have tips on the best process to upgrade to fluid form design with existing structure/content with new clothes? Thanks so much Karen
  5. Great news! Thx Mark. Any ideas on amending the play window or is it what it is?
  6. Hi All, Been trying to work out why my videos no longer auto play on safari. https://www.karenyeomans.com/moving Embed code added: <div> <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/571612294?autoplay=1&loop=1&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autopause=0&muted=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> ALSO Tweaked on Vimeo - Ideally I would like minimal interference playback controls on overview page, simply tiles of moving and stills. I'd love the expand out to new window to play with sound/controls. No option to set this up in Vimeo but any code ideas around this in Squarespace? Screenshots: 1. Vimeo set-up 2. Load Safari 3. Load Chrome Any ideas/help appreciated. Thx
  7. Site URL: https://www.yogajeannie.com Suddenly this site I made sometime ago in 7.0 is displaying black behind images and video for loading. I want to change the load colour to #F5F1EA https://www.yogajeannie.com Thx for any help - much appreciated
  8. YES! Thank you Thank you @tuanphan LEGEND 🙌
  9. Wooo-hooo! Fantastic! Thank you! its almost there - Any ideas for the full page bleed to remove the border on the outside? /*Full-Bleed - Video Page*/ section[data-section-id="616d75fb7928e208fa3c41ac"] .sqs-block { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; .sqs-block.image-block { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .sqs-block.media-block { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .sqs-block {padding: 0! important} } /*Set galleries 2 columns on small tablets & mobile*/ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { div#page-section-616d75fb7928e208fa3c41ac .span-6 { width: 50% !important; float: left !important; .sqs-block {padding: 0! important} } }
  10. Hi @tuanphan Thanks for coming back to me. Yes that is what I wanted to do! I've made do with ensuring content is organised by row not column. I've managed to remove the padding on desktop (almost) but there are some cracks. In an ideal world maybe I could get the content to display as my other pages, on mobile in 2 rows (see portfolio below as example - 0padding). The code I've been fiddling with screen shot (forgive my kitchen sink approach) but was looking at what worked with galleries. I've changed the URL as Im going to insert to main menu once finished: https://www.karenyeomans.com/video Any help gratefully received. Thx Karen
  11. Site URL: https://www.karenyeomans.com/videography-portfolio I want to order the content on this page so the still image corresponds with the moving piece on both desktop and mobile. Desktop hopscotch style as the first block and on mobile correct moving with still. I've tried the following but want it to look like the screen shots attached. @media screen and (max-width:640px) { div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1634571177259_237+.row { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } }
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