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  1. Thanks so much Tuanphan! That cleared the duplicated query problem right up, but the word Search in the top right bar is still really large... is there anything easy you could recommend to make it normal size? Thanks for all your help!!!
  2. Hey Tuanphan - this works great, thanks so much for your help! It is doing something a little strange though... It's duplicating the query in the bar (repeating the same word but right below the original) and also making the word "search" really big. Do you have any suggestions for how to fix those? Thanks again! (and here's the website: https://www.natureinstitute.org)
  3. Site URL: https://www.natureinstitute.org Hi, I'm doing admin on a large site and it looks like it size is affecting the search functionality. I know this because the site has something like 500 pages and if I duplicate the site and erase half of them, which I've done, the search bar works fine on the smaller version of the site. But... I need all those pages so that's not an option. The only thing I can think of is to tell users when they use the search bar that they might have to do it 2 or 3 times till they get the right results (which does work), or they might have to go back out to google to search the site. Both of these are inelegant and mildly embarrassing, but I can't think of what else to do. That said, I'm currently using the embedded search feature (as opposed to creating my own link and search page) and when people use it they're taken to a page that I didn't create... it's just the search results landing page. But that's the page I'd like to leave a message on. Does anyone know if that's possible? (If's that confusing, you can take a look at my site https://www.natureinstitute.org/ and the search bar is in the top right of the home page. If you search something, then the page it takes you to is the landing page that I want to add a message to.) (I know I can create a search item in the menu bar and it will take me to a search page that I can then add a message to, but I'd rather not add another item to the menu bar if I don't absolutely have to.) Thanks!
  4. I'm having the same issue. But Squarespace Help is telling me I need to remove all the custom code from my site before they can test it. ("While you're welcome to use custom code to modify your site, sometimes it can interfere with Squarespace’s built-in code and cause unexpected errors. Can you temporarily remove any custom code from your site for testing purposes?") Have other people done that? I don't have a huge amount of custom code on my site but it's scattered over 500 pages and it would take me at least a day or two to remove it and then get it back up there properly (and what would the site look like during that time?) Is this a real thing or are they just kind of pushing me off? It would be GREAT if this got solved by Squarespace, so it would great if people would up vote @CarrieT's original question. It would also just be great if they would reply to this thread with some possible options/work arounds while their engineers are at work. Thanks so much @NotACoder404 for taking @Addcontext's Microsoft Search bar idea and really spelling out how to do it. @Addcontext said they couldn't quote how much it cost to do this, but can you? Also, don't mean to be a pain, but can you add pictures of what your search bar looks like and what the results look like? (Not that I love Squarespace's Search results page... it looks pretty janky to my eye).
  5. Got it. That makes sense. Thanks, Paul. Just wondering - is there no way just to add a blank line in Markdown though?
  6. This is super helpful - thanks Paul. I'm starting to put all the text in Markdown blocks and it's going well. Also, I'm having my mind blown around Markdown. It seems like a really good, doable way of having a lot more control over the text. One question though: what do I need to write in Markdown to get two spaces between paragraphs (specifically, I want an extra space before a title, such as "Zebra and Lion in Their World" above)? It just automatically defaults to one one space between paragraphs. Thanks again!
  7. Just sent you that info. I had been doing code blocks instead of markdown (didn't know the difference - argh). When I just tried to do markdown though, I still have that padding issue...
  8. Hey Paul - I looked around in site styles and can change padding generally but I can't change padding around code blocks specifically. The problem, when I use a code block in the middle of an article in order to add superscript, it has larger padding around it for some reason (see image below - the difference in padding between the 1st and 2nd paragraph vs the 2nd and 3rd paragraph). Is there any Custom CSS I could add to the site so that the padding around the code block matches the spacing between normal paragraphs? Thanks for any help you can offer with this....
  9. According to Aristotle, <em>self-motion</em> is a defining feature of animals.<sup>1</sup> Hey Paul - that is what I was looking for. I realized after sending that it was probably super basic and doable. I'm still a complete novice. Was also wondering about what Hannah asked about the line spacing. It seemed like, from your reply, that if I want to lessen the spacing on either side of that block then I'll have to go in to custom CSS with the Block-ID every time? Is that the case? I'm doing 15 or 20 of these per article so I can't imagine doing that every time.
  10. Hey Paul, Thanks for getting back to me. The site's not live yet, but I email you a link and password if it's useful. Attached is a picture of one of the page's I'm talking about. At the end of the first paragraph of the article there's a footnote. We'll probably put it in parenthesis (as I've got it there) if we can't superscript it properly. The problem with superscript is evident in the second paragraph. There it's the same text but in the code block. As you can see the italics in the first paragraph (the word "self-motion") doesn't translate because you lose all capacity to format text in the code block. I can't take out my author's use of italics in every paragraph where he wants to footnote something... Thanks for any light you can shed on this, Seth
  11. Hey all - I'm wondering if it's possible to do the superscript but not use a code block? When I put text in a code block I can't alter the text with italics and I need to do to be able to use italics in the all article pages I'm creating. Is there any workaround for this? Thanks!
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