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Posts posted by rachelthor11

  1. Site URL: http://www.riyahthor.com

    You'll see at the top of my website is a small black banner/special.

    I created this through Mailchimp as an embedded form - they gave me a code to copy and paste into my website.

    Now that the special is done I want to remove the banner. However when I click on code injection (in advanced settings) I see other codes I've put in, like my fb pixel, but no piece of code for this mailchimp form. 

    When I go to the code options on an individual page's settings, I only have the option of adding new code, I can't see any that's already in there.

    Basically if I can't find it anywhere I don't know how to delete it.

    Can someone help me troubleshoot and remove this code? Thank you so much!

    Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 11.57.20 AM.png

  2. Hi there. I don't know what that means. Can you explain? Currently I've tried these things so far:

    1. inject the code into the home page advanced code injection site. (result: every text block below and including clicked text block opens.)

    2. Inject the code into the home page and each page with an accordion. (result: no text blocks will open when clicked.)

    3. inject the code into the home page, as well as at the top of each individual markdown box. (result: same as #1).

    4. only put code into markdown boxes, no code-injections. (result: same as #1.)


    Are one of these what you mean by your answer? Can you elucidate? Thank you for your continued support! I am looking forward to having this solved!



  3. I very much appreciate your work on this. However after updating this in the "code injection" of my home page advanced settings,  it still has a glitch.

    It will open every toggle underneath the heading I am clicking on, not just that heading. Is that possible to adjust in the code so it only opens the current heading I am clicking on?

  4. the most recent one I've tried is:

    var arrState=[];

    (function() {
     var arrAnswerBlocks=document.getElementsByClassName('answer');

     for (var i=0;i<arrAnswerBlocks.length;i++) {
       var element = arrAnswerBlocks;
       var state = {id:(element.id), collapsed:true}; 


    function expand(id) {
     var state={};
     var answerBlock=document.getElementById(id);

     for (var n=0;n<arrState.length;n++) {

       if (state.id==id) {
         if (state.collapsed) {
           state.collapsed=false; }
         else {
         } //end if
       }//end if

     }// end for

  5. Site URL: http://rachelthor.com/

    Hi there, I've been following the squarespace forum for adding code that allows me to create drop-down menus where only the heading is visible until you click it, then it toggles open to a longer explanation (often used for FAQs). This successfully worked for me on the last page I created on my site. This time around however, I'm trying to use the same code and it's weirding out on me. Working the first time I load a preview and then staying forever open after that, or continuously bouncing between open and closed. I am wondering if I have the code doubled somewhere and it's confusing itself, or what suggestions you have for clearing house and starting over to get this working across my whole site? 

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