1. The new 7.1 portfolio feature seems great, but ideally I'd like a main 'work' subpage featuring my full portfolio, and a few of these portfolio items 'featured' on the homepage.
Currently the only way to do this seems to be to have two separate portfolios, one for 'work' and one for 'featured homepage'. Obviously for the same portfolio item to be in both of these would result in duplicated pages, which would be bad for SEO/UX. Another workaround might be to have the homepage one as a basic 'gallery' with click throughs to the individual portfolio pages but you lose the functionality of the hover/overlay title of the portfolio item.
Is there another workaround or way to set this up that I'm missing?
2. The Portfolio item limit is 40, which isn't great for bigger or busier portfolios. What's the best workaround for bigger portfolios?
The only thing I can envisage is a main 'work' portfolio, and as it gets bigger moving case-studies over to an 'work 2015-2020' portfolio, repeating for subsequent years as it overspills and linking to these somewhere on the 'work' portfolio. Apart from the manual/admin headache and bad UX, this would also require setting up 301 redirects from the old '/work' content to the new '/work-2015-2020' content after you move it so seems a bit messy to me.
Appreciate any thoughts or advice on these!