No, that also changed the size of the price font in the main gallery product list. I don't need that altering, I just need within the actual product page itself.
I already have a CSS code for the size of the main gallery product price font:
#productList .product .product-price {
font-size: 19px;
but when I put in your CSS it seems to override the above code making the price font too big. Is there anyway I can have those codes not affect each other's pages?
Look at the link below. It'll take you to the individual product page. I need each of the product page items to have the price display a bit bigger as it's too small. I've had to write in actual text in the info section so people can see it but I shouldn't really have to do that. https://worldofcreativedreams.co.uk/onlinebookstore/the-royal-hotel-by-dell-winslade
Any ideas?