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Posts posted by ErinMurphy

  1. Hello! I have added a border on the left of my block quotes, but it extends the full length of the block (which is often longer than the actual content because of the grid). The default padding is too large.

    I would like to reduce the padding on the top and bottom of my quote blocks throughout. I've tried everything. Thank you!

    Also, that left border line that appears only in edit mode is super confusing and annoying. Amiright?


  2. 12 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    The problem you've got is that this header layout, is that it puts the header into 3 even columns which on a smaller screen constrains the navigation to one third.




    We can tweak that with Custom CSS, this may not be perfect, but worth a shot!

    .Header-nav {
        position: absolute;
        margin-top: clamp(120px, 18vw, 250px);



    Brilliant! Thank you! I knew the header was split into thirds, but didn't know how to adjust that. 

  3. Hello. I am using the code below to move a footer section above my page header. That part worked great.

    Problem 1: This section contains an accordion menu, though, and the section does not expand when the accordion menu is opened. (See screenshot.)

    Problem 2: The section does not display fully in mobile view. (See screenshot.)

    Thank you for your help!


    Current code:

    /*Move footer section to header */
    #footer-sections .page-section:nth-child(1) {
     position: fixed!important;
     top: 0!important;
     z-index:9 9!important;
     width: 100%!important;
     height: auto!important;
    margin-top: 4rem!important

    Screen Shot 2023-08-21 at 2.09.04 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-08-21 at 2.09.17 PM.png

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