I don't know if this is possible or not within Squarespace, but am trying to replicate something that I have on my Photoshelter site.
On Photoshelter, I have the ability to select various images from a gallery and pop them into what they call a "lightbox." It basically stores images that you're interested in in a personalized repository. You can save the images and go back and view them at any time. (Here's info from their help page about it: https://www.photoshelter.com/buyer/help/lbx
For what I'm considering doing on my squarespace site, I don't think it's necessary to have it saved, but maybe that would be a nice feature. Mostly I'm thinking of it as a shopping cart, where the images selected would go in a cart, but in this case, I don't need there to be a check out option.
Does something like this exist or is code to do something like this easy enough to write (which may be out of my knowledge realm)? Or maybe it's just easier if I somehow create the gallery of images on photoshelter and then somehow link it back to Squarespace rather than reinventing the wheel.