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Everything posted by StephanieMace

  1. hi! i would like to change the background color and button color to match the rest of my site on the cart page. the password is spokenpoint. see screenshot below. i tried some of the other CSS in this forum and it didnt work :( thanks!
  2. how do i change the squiggle color? it seems this is messing up that format?
  3. Site URL: https://www.onlythewildones.com/ I want to change the font of my scrolling text block to match the headers! below was the code for the headers. how do i update this text to match the pink headers? screenshot attached. p1 {font-family: 'freeland'; font-size: 36px; color:#cc818d}
  4. Site URL: https://tbdwebsite.squarespace.com/ Hello! I am using a custom font for my navigation link (code below) but the folder links are coming up a different size on mobile. How do I get the mobile folder links to appear the same size as the rest of the navigation? See screenshot attached. Site password is avocado. Thanks! .header-nav *, .header-menu-nav * { font-family: 'Parachute - PFEef-Regular'; font-size: 20px; line-height: 40px; letter-spacing: 0px; }
  5. Site URL: https://tbdwebsite.squarespace.com Hey guys! Hoping to update my fonts for blog posts - I've got custom code for the header and paragraph fonts, but its not applying to blog posts. Site password is avocado. See photos here what I need to change. And this is the code I have for the font I'd like to use: @font-face { font-family: 'Parachute - PFEef-Regular'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/609ec9ee80480d4f00d362e2/t/609ecc16e9021262afcd5ea2/1621019670286/Parachute+-+PFEef-Regular.otf); } Thanks!
  6. Site URL: https://tbdwebsite.squarespace.com/ hey guys! trying to reduce the space between dropdown links in my menu. see photo attached! is there any CSS to move the items closer together?
  7. hi! anyone know the CSS to update the font of the 'add to cart' button? i've already uploaded my own custom font using this: @font-face { font-family: 'freeland'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61705697f087bf34dd72257f/t/61a809b79b8e6b1d26f75aee/1638402488206/Freeland.otf);} i want to use freehand for the button. thank you!
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