Hello all,
Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve the responsiveness of the 'scroll-back' fixed menu in Squarespace 7.1? Currently, there is a 1-2 second lag before the menu reappears when a user scrolls up, which is not ideal for accessibility. I'm aiming for a more instantaneous response, similar to this example.
This issue pertains to the default fixed header style > scroll-back settings in Squarespace 7.1. I have tried the following CSS solution, but it hasn't resolved the issue:
/* Remove transition delay for immediate appearance on scroll up */
.header-nav-wrapper {
transition: transform 0s ease-in-out !important;
.header-nav-wrapper.is-scrolling-down {
transform: translateY(-100%) !important;
.header-nav-wrapper.is-scrolling-up {
transform: translateY(0) !important;
/* Ensure immediate reappearance on scroll up */
body[data-scrolled-up='true'] .header-nav-wrapper.is-scrolling-down {
transform: translateY(0) !important;
Any advice or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated!