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    amritanan got a reaction from webbroi in Opensea NFT integration   
    Hi...I haven't been able to figure it out. I've opened a ticket with the Level 2 team at opensea, waiting for them to get back to me. If you find a solution, please let me know as well! 🙂
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    amritanan got a reaction from webbroi in Opensea NFT integration   
    I have a client looking to integrate their OpenSea collection on their Squarespace website. The OpenSea docs have a simple iframe embed option that was easy enough to add, but the actual "Buy" or Make Offer buttons don't work. The page simply refreshes each time we click on the button. ANyone know what I am missing? I installed the Metamask browser extension and tried, but it still didn't work. 
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    amritanan reacted to Beyondspace in Accordion Block: Dos and Don’ts   
    I wish the accordion block can add image like people auto-layout instead of just text
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    amritanan got a reaction from nazaninp in Opensea NFT integration   
    Hi...I haven't been able to figure it out. I've opened a ticket with the Level 2 team at opensea, waiting for them to get back to me. If you find a solution, please let me know as well! 🙂
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    amritanan got a reaction from christyprice in Memberspace to Squarespace Member Areas   
    Thanks! However, my client decided to stick with Memberspace because they didn't want to take the risk of losing clients during the switch 😞
  6. Thanks
    amritanan reacted to christyprice in Memberspace to Squarespace Member Areas   
    @amritanan yes, you would need the members to sign up for Squarespace Members Areas - there is currently no way to import them. You can set up a coupon code for them to use so that their membership is "free" on Squarespace. Just be sure the discount is set to be applied to all subscription or membership fee renewal payments, including the first payment.
  7. Thanks
    amritanan reacted to BigJosh in Memberspace to Squarespace Member Areas   
    As far as I know, there is no import. It seems to be emphatic. All members must signup themselves. Ugh. As for payments, it holds that the members will have to go through that process again, and will have to be cancelled on Memberspace. That is just my presumption.
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    amritanan reacted to natharward in Squarespace & Square POS   
    To reiterate what Paul said, looks like the Squarespace <> Square integration is merely re: hardware. There's no software or systems integration.
    See attached image, pulled from https://www.squarespace.com/ecommerce/point-of-sale
    If you want a webstore that syncs with your POS for a physical store, you EITHER commit to Squarespace OR you commit to Square ... at least for inventory mgmt and payments.
    SS solution: use Squarespace commerce functions for online sales + use Squarespace APP on an iPhone iPad etc WITH a Square card reader for brick & mortar (what I'm not sure about is whether this routes $ into your Square account, which is not the same as sending money into your Stripe account via SS Commerce on your webstore) Square solution: Square POS terminal for brick & mortar + Square Online Store for online sales ... do NOT use Squarespace Commerce functions Seems like ... best thing to do is go with Square. And then if you need a website more robust than the Square Online Store, have a Squarespace site without Commerce, and put your Square Online Store on https://store.yourdomain.com

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    amritanan reacted to tuanphan in [Share] Squarespace 7.1 CSS ID List   
    Some CSS Class/ID for Squarespace 7.1
    Announcement Bar
    Announcement bar: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone Announcement bar text: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone p Announcement bar link: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone a Announcement Bar Close Icon: .sqs-announcement-bar-close OR .sqs-announcement-bar-close:after Header
    Header: header#header Sticky Header: header.shrink Header (not include sticky header): header#header:not(.shrink) Header (when burger menu is open): body.header--menu-open header#header Header (when burger menu is close): body:not(.header--menu-open) header#header Site Title: a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu open): .header--menu-open a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu close) body:not(.header--menu-open) a#site-title Navigation: .header-nav Navigation Items: .header-nav-item a Navigation First Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(1) a Navigation Second Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(2) a Navigation Dropdown: .header-nav-folder-content Navigation Dropdown Items: .header-nav-folder-item a Navigation Folder Title: a.header-nav-folder-title Mobile Navigation Items: .header-menu-nav-item a Mobile Navigation First Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child Mobile Navigation First Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child a Mobile Navigation Second Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) Mobile Navigation Second Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) a Mobile Menu Icon: .header-burger Mobile Burger 3 lines: .burger-inner>div Mobile Menu X icon: body.header--menu-open .burger-inner>div Header Social Icons: .header-actions .icon Cart Icon: header#header span.Cart-inner Cart quantity: header#header .icon-cart-quantity Header Button: header#header a.btn Header Desktop Button: .header-display-desktop a.btn Header Mobile Button: .header-menu-cta a a Footer
    Footer: footer#footer-sections Footer Social Icons:  footer#footer-sections  .sqs-svg-icon–outer Footer Links: footer#footer-sections a Product List
    Product List: .collection-type-products.view-list Product Name: .grid-title Product Price: .grid-prices Product Image: figure.grid-image Product Currency: body.native-currency-code-usd .sqs-money-native:before Sold Out Text: .product-mark.sold-out Product Detail
    Product Detail: .collection-type-products.view-item Product Breadcrumb: .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb Product Pagination (Previous/Next): .ProductItem-nav-pagination Gallery: figure.ProductItem-gallery Thumbnails: .ProductItem-gallery-thumbnails Big Image: .ProductItem-gallery-slides Product Name: h1.ProductItem-details-title Price: .ProductItem-product-price Currency: body.native-currency-code-usd .sqs-money-native:before Excerpt: .ProductItem-details-excerpt Add to Cart Button: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper Add to Cart Text: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-inner Variant Dropdown: .variant-option Variant Title: .variant-option-title Variant Options: .variant-select-wrapper option Quantity Text: .quantity-label Quantity Input: .product-quantity-input Cart Page
    Cart Page: body#cart Cart Page Title: .cart-title Product Name: a.cart-row-title Product Thumbnail: div.cart-row-img Qty minus: .cart-row-qty-dec Qty plus: button.cart-row-qty-inc Qty number: input.cart-row-qty-input Price: .cart-row-price X icon: .cart-row-remove or .cart-row-remove svg Sub total text: .cart-subtotal-label span Sub total price: .cart-subtotal-price Checkout Button: button.cart-checkout-button   Item: .CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 QTY. .CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 span Price Name: .CartTable-itemPrice-XgjsO span X icon: .item-remove div Blog List
    Blog List: [class*="type-blog"].view-list Thumbnails: article.blog-item img Date: time.blog-date Category: span.blog-categories-list Title: h1.blog-title Excerpt: .blog-excerpt Read more: a.blog-more-link Blog Posts
    Blog Posts Page: [class*="type-blog"].view-item Blog Items: .blog-item-entry Categories: .blog-meta-item–categories Date: time.dt-published.blog-meta-item.blog-meta-item–date Author: .blog-meta-item.blog-meta-item–author.p-author.author Title: .blog-item-title Content: .blog-item-content-wrapper Pagination: .item-pagination Pagination Arrows: .item-pagination-link .item-pagination-icon Pagination Title: h2.item-pagination-title Author Box: .blog-item-author-profile-wrapper Author Image: a.author-avatar.content-fill Author Name: .author-name Author Site: a.author-website Post Comment: .squarespace-comments Post Comment Button: .comment.btn Comment Input: .squarespace-comments .new-comment-area Preview: span.btn-text.preview-comment.top-level-preview-btn Subscribe via email text: span.subscribe.subscribe-control Blog Grid
    Blog Masonry
    Event List Page
    Event List Page: .collection-type-events.view-list Event Thumbnail: a.eventlist-column-thumbnail.content-fill Event Time: .eventlist-datetag Event Date: .eventlist-datetag-startdate.eventlist-datetag-startdate–day Event Month: .eventlist-datetag-startdate.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month Event Title: h1.eventlist-title Event Hour: li.eventlist-meta-item.eventlist-meta-time.event-meta-item Event Description: .eventlist-description Event Detail Page
    Event Detail Page: .collection-type-events.view-item Event Title: h1.eventitem-title Event Date: time.event-date Event Hour: li.eventitem-meta-item.eventitem-meta-time.event-meta-item Event Description: .eventitem-column-content Event Pagination: section.item-pagination.item-pagination–prev-next Previous/Next: .item-pagination-link .item-pagination-prev-next Event Pagination Title: h2.item-pagination-title Portfolio
    title: h3.portfolio-title item: .portfolio-grid-basic portfolio image: .portfolio-grid-basic .grid-image pagination: [data-collection-type=“portfolio-grid-basic”].item-pagination pagination text: h2.item-pagination-title pre text: .item-pagination-link–prev .item-pagination-prev-next next text: .item-pagination-link–next .item-pagination-prev-next List Simple
    List Simple: .user-items-list-simple Image: .user-items-list-simple img First Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-simple .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-simple h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-simple list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-simple p List Slideshow
    List Slideshow: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow Image: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow img First Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-content Title: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-banner-slideshow list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-banner-slideshow p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .list-item-content__button List Carousel
    List Carousel: .user-items-list-carousel__slides Image: .user-items-list-carousel__slides img First Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-carousel__slides h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-carousel__slides list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-carousel__slides p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content__button Fluid Engine
    Fluid Block (text block, image...): Each block is wrapped by the same class name .fe-block and a unique id. And All .fe-blocks will be wrapped by a parent tag with a class name of .fluid-engine
    Checked & Wrote by tuanphan
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    amritanan got a reaction from creedon in How to disable zooming in when entering text into my form? (Mobile)   
    Hey, thanks! So Squarespace confirmed that the bottom fields and the Submit button was not displaying on lightbox forms on that particluar iphone model due to a bug - and not iphone's auto zoom as I originally thought. I don't know if they have fixed it yet, but I switched to a standard form on the page. 
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