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  1. Sorry @tuanphan - I forgot that I had disabled the page. You should be able to access it with the same URL now. Thank you.
  2. Hi @tuanphan. Thank you for the code you've provided in this thread. It has got me close to achieving what I'd like, but for the life of me, I cannot see how to remove the orange background. Would you have any idea how to remove the background, but leave the white arrows, please? Site: https://guytobin.co.uk/homex
  3. Site URL: https://bassroofing.co.uk/ Hi All. I hope this in the right place. I've set up a few websites now using Google Workspace for emails, including my own, but for the most recent site I've completed, any outgoing emails they are sending from the Gmail goes straight into the recipient's junk and I cannot for the life of me work out why. To clarify, these are just simple communication emails and NOT marketing campaign emails. Has anyone experienced this, or has any ideas?
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