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    PRWORKS reacted to tuanphan in Summary Block Fonts   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    item.summary-metadata-item--date { font-size: 15px; } .summary-metadata-container.summary-metadata-container--below-content * { font-size: 15px !important; }  
  2. Thanks
    PRWORKS reacted to tuanphan in [Share] Custom Code - Navigation Link Color/Hover Color/Active Color   
    (Updated: SS 7.1)
    Some custom code (CSS) to change color
    Navigation Link Navigation Hover Link Navigation Active Link >> 92 Templates Navigation Custom Font
    Add code to Home > Design > Custom CSS The code is based on demo at squarespace.com/templates, so they may not work for some websites or navigation with dropdown If the code doesn't work, try adding !important to after, eg: color: #f1f2f3 !important; If you have any questions/found issues, just comment below or send me a private message. Thanks. Avenue Template
    /* Nav item color */ .main-nav ul li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ .main-nav ul li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ .main-nav ul li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Aviator
    /* Nav item color */ nav#main-navigation ul li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ nav#main-navigation ul li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ nav#main-navigation ul li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Bedford Family: Anya, Bedford, Bryant, Hayden, Bedford
    /* Nav item color */ #mainNavigation div a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ #mainNavigation div a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ #mainNavigation div.active a { color: green !important; } Brine Family: Aria, Basil, Blend, Brine, Burke, Cacao, Clay, Custom Template, Ethan, Fairfield, Feed, Foster, Greenwich, Hatch, Heights, Hunter, Hyde, Impact, Jaunt, Juke, Keene, Kin, Lincoln, Maple, Margot, Marta, Mentor, Mercer, Miller, Mojave, Moksha, Motto, Nueva, Pedro, Polaris, Pursuit, Rally, Rover, Royce, Sofia, Sonny, Sonora, Stella, Thorne, Vow, Wav, West, Brine.
    /* Nav item color */ .Header-nav-item { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ .Header-nav-item:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ .Header-nav-item--active { color: green !important; } Farro: Farro, Haute
    Same as Brine
    /* Nav item color */ nav#main-navigation ul li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ nav#main-navigation ul li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ nav#main-navigation ul li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Flatiron
    /* Nav item color */ ul#nav li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ ul#nav li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ ul#nav li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Forte
    /* Nav item color */ #topNav ul li a span { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ #topNav ul li a:hover span { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #topNav ul li.active-link a span { color: green !important; } Ishimoto
    /* Nav item color */ #topNav #nav li a { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ #topNav #nav li a:hover { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #topNav #nav li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Momentum
    /* Nav item color */ #topNav ul li a { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ #topNav ul li a:hover { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #topNav ul li.active-link a { color: green; } Montauk: Julia, Kent, Montauk, OM
    Same as Momentum
    /* Nav item color */ #navBlock ul li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ #navBlock ul li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ #navBlock ul li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Pacific:  Bryler, Charlotte, Fulton, Horizon, Naomi, Pacific
    /* Nav item color */ #mainNavigation div a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ #mainNavigation div a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ #mainNavigation div.active a { color: green !important; } Skye: Foundry, Indigo, Ready, Skye, Tudor
    /* Nav item color */ .nav-blocks-wrapper div a span { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ .nav-blocks-wrapper div a:hover span { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #mainNavigation div.nav-link--active a { color: green !important; } Tremont: Camino, Carson, Henson, Tremont
    /* Nav item color */ #mainNavigation div a span { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ #mainNavigation div a:hover span { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #mainNavigation div.active a span { color: green; } Wells
    /* Nav item color */ div#topNav ul li a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ div#topNav ul li a:hover { color: violet !important; } /* Nav item active color */ div#topNav ul li.active-link a { color: green !important; } Wexley
    /* Nav item color */ #topNav ul li a { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ #topNav ul li a:hover { color: violet; } /* Nav item active color */ #topNav ul li.active-link a { color: green; } York: Artesia, Flores, Harris, Jasper, Jones, Lange, Shibori, Taylor, York
    /* Nav item color */ .site-navigation div a span { color: #ff0000; } /* Nav item hover color */ .site-navigation div a:hover span { color: violet; } /* Nav item active colo */ .site-navigation div.active a span { color: green; } Squarespace 7.1
    /* Nav item color */ .header-nav-item a { color: #ff0000 !important; } /* Nav item hover color */ .header-nav-item>a:hover { color: red !important; } .header-nav-folder-item:hover a { color: red !important; } /* Nav item active color */ .header-nav-item--active a { color: green !important; } Created by Tuan Phan.
    Share to be shared more.
  3. Thanks
    PRWORKS reacted to edharris in New Google Analytics Tag   
    @KateMouse - you can still create a new UA property if that's the tracking code you want to implement. This post includes a couple of screenshots showing where how to create a UA property instead of GA4.
  4. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to tuanphan in Custom Site Subtitle or Tag Line   
    It is custom font or Squarespace font?
    /* tagline font */ .logo-subtitle { font-family: klee-one !important; }  
  5. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to Sienawalker in Creating 5 equal width image blocks on one row   
    I was able to find a solution, so I am sharing it here in case anyone runs into a similar issue:
    Important notes, your section ID will need to be updated with your own ID, and you need each image block authored to be in either 3 columns or 2 columns for this to work. If you have multiple sections where you want this to work, you will need to add this code for each section.
    //equal size blocks//
    section[data-section-id="5f561a6cfab9b365a25a1e21"] {
      .sqs-col-3, .sqs-col-2 {
        width: 20% !important; 

  6. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to hunchback in Five: How to hide the Page Title for a specific page?   
    I just successfully used <style> .homepage .page-title { display: none !important } </style> to hide the page title only on the homepage. I had to specify homepage because it was dropping the page titles on all subsequent pages without it. 
  7. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to dmdm in Five: How to hide the Page Title for a specific page?   
    These fixed it. You can hide the homepage specifically, or any page using its Collection ID.
    /* Hide page title on Home page */body.homepage.banner-content-page-title-description #page-title-wrapper { visibility: hidden;}
    /* Hide page title on a specific page (using Collection ID) */
    collection-50962a10e4b0a9a199908fb5 #page-title-wrapper {
    visibility: hidden;}
  8. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to ler in Five: How to hide the Page Title for a specific page?   
    I was able to resolve this (I wanted the page title to display but not the description so slightly opposite to your query!) by injecting this into the header code for the specific page:
    <style> .page-description { display: none } </style>
    I also wanted to hide the page title on a specific page so just switched in the .page-title for that one ie:
    <style> .page-title { display: none } </style>
    This does mess with the banner height a little but I'm working on that......!
    I know this is an old question but it might help people like me who are scouring for answer :)
  9. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to tuanphan in [Share] Squarespace 7.1 CSS ID List   
    Some CSS Class/ID for Squarespace 7.1
    Announcement Bar
    Announcement bar: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone Announcement bar text: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone p Announcement bar link: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone a Announcement Bar Close Icon: .sqs-announcement-bar-close OR .sqs-announcement-bar-close:after Header
    Header: header#header Sticky Header: header.shrink Header (not include sticky header): header#header:not(.shrink) Header (when burger menu is open): body.header--menu-open header#header Header (when burger menu is close): body:not(.header--menu-open) header#header Site Title: a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu open): .header--menu-open a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu close) body:not(.header--menu-open) a#site-title Navigation: .header-nav Navigation Items: .header-nav-item a Navigation First Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(1) a Navigation Second Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(2) a Navigation Dropdown: .header-nav-folder-content Navigation Dropdown Items: .header-nav-folder-item a Navigation Folder Title: a.header-nav-folder-title Mobile Navigation Items: .header-menu-nav-item a Mobile Navigation First Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child Mobile Navigation First Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child a Mobile Navigation Second Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) Mobile Navigation Second Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) a Mobile Menu Icon: .header-burger Mobile Burger 3 lines: .burger-inner>div Mobile Menu X icon: body.header--menu-open .burger-inner>div Header Social Icons: .header-actions .icon Cart Icon: header#header span.Cart-inner Cart quantity: header#header .icon-cart-quantity Header Button: header#header a.btn Header Desktop Button: .header-display-desktop a.btn Header Mobile Button: .header-menu-cta a a Footer
    Footer: footer#footer-sections Footer Social Icons:  footer#footer-sections  .sqs-svg-icon–outer Footer Links: footer#footer-sections a Product List
    Product List: .collection-type-products.view-list Product Name: .grid-title Product Price: .grid-prices Product Image: figure.grid-image Product Currency: body.native-currency-code-usd .sqs-money-native:before Sold Out Text: .product-mark.sold-out Product Detail
    Product Detail: .collection-type-products.view-item Product Breadcrumb: .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb Product Pagination (Previous/Next): .ProductItem-nav-pagination Gallery: figure.ProductItem-gallery Thumbnails: .ProductItem-gallery-thumbnails Big Image: .ProductItem-gallery-slides Product Name: h1.ProductItem-details-title Price: .ProductItem-product-price Currency: body.native-currency-code-usd .sqs-money-native:before Excerpt: .ProductItem-details-excerpt Add to Cart Button: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper Add to Cart Text: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-inner Variant Dropdown: .variant-option Variant Title: .variant-option-title Variant Options: .variant-select-wrapper option Quantity Text: .quantity-label Quantity Input: .product-quantity-input Cart Page
    Cart Page: body#cart Cart Page Title: .cart-title Product Name: a.cart-row-title Product Thumbnail: div.cart-row-img Qty minus: .cart-row-qty-dec Qty plus: button.cart-row-qty-inc Qty number: input.cart-row-qty-input Price: .cart-row-price X icon: .cart-row-remove or .cart-row-remove svg Sub total text: .cart-subtotal-label span Sub total price: .cart-subtotal-price Checkout Button: button.cart-checkout-button   Item: .CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 QTY. .CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 span Price Name: .CartTable-itemPrice-XgjsO span X icon: .item-remove div Blog List
    Blog List: [class*="type-blog"].view-list Thumbnails: article.blog-item img Date: time.blog-date Category: span.blog-categories-list Title: h1.blog-title Excerpt: .blog-excerpt Read more: a.blog-more-link Blog Posts
    Blog Posts Page: [class*="type-blog"].view-item Blog Items: .blog-item-entry Categories: .blog-meta-item–categories Date: time.dt-published.blog-meta-item.blog-meta-item–date Author: .blog-meta-item.blog-meta-item–author.p-author.author Title: .blog-item-title Content: .blog-item-content-wrapper Pagination: .item-pagination Pagination Arrows: .item-pagination-link .item-pagination-icon Pagination Title: h2.item-pagination-title Author Box: .blog-item-author-profile-wrapper Author Image: a.author-avatar.content-fill Author Name: .author-name Author Site: a.author-website Post Comment: .squarespace-comments Post Comment Button: .comment.btn Comment Input: .squarespace-comments .new-comment-area Preview: span.btn-text.preview-comment.top-level-preview-btn Subscribe via email text: span.subscribe.subscribe-control Blog Grid
    Blog Masonry
    Event List Page
    Event List Page: .collection-type-events.view-list Event Thumbnail: a.eventlist-column-thumbnail.content-fill Event Time: .eventlist-datetag Event Date: .eventlist-datetag-startdate.eventlist-datetag-startdate–day Event Month: .eventlist-datetag-startdate.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month Event Title: h1.eventlist-title Event Hour: li.eventlist-meta-item.eventlist-meta-time.event-meta-item Event Description: .eventlist-description Event Detail Page
    Event Detail Page: .collection-type-events.view-item Event Title: h1.eventitem-title Event Date: time.event-date Event Hour: li.eventitem-meta-item.eventitem-meta-time.event-meta-item Event Description: .eventitem-column-content Event Pagination: section.item-pagination.item-pagination–prev-next Previous/Next: .item-pagination-link .item-pagination-prev-next Event Pagination Title: h2.item-pagination-title Portfolio
    title: h3.portfolio-title item: .portfolio-grid-basic portfolio image: .portfolio-grid-basic .grid-image pagination: [data-collection-type=“portfolio-grid-basic”].item-pagination pagination text: h2.item-pagination-title pre text: .item-pagination-link–prev .item-pagination-prev-next next text: .item-pagination-link–next .item-pagination-prev-next List Simple
    List Simple: .user-items-list-simple Image: .user-items-list-simple img First Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-simple .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-simple h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-simple list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-simple p List Slideshow
    List Slideshow: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow Image: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow img First Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-content Title: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-banner-slideshow list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-banner-slideshow p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .list-item-content__button List Carousel
    List Carousel: .user-items-list-carousel__slides Image: .user-items-list-carousel__slides img First Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-carousel__slides h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-carousel__slides list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-carousel__slides p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content__button Fluid Engine
    Fluid Block (text block, image...): Each block is wrapped by the same class name .fe-block and a unique id. And All .fe-blocks will be wrapped by a parent tag with a class name of .fluid-engine
    Checked & Wrote by tuanphan
  10. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to paul2009 in How can I add a table?   
    I tried many suggestions to make tables - this answer details the best way I've found to add tables to Squarespace.
    Custom Table Block
    [Updated 2019] The best solution I have found for responsive and well designed tables on Squarespace is the Custom Table Block that can be purchased as a plugin. Once added, you can add tables just like other standard Squarespace blocks on any page. If your table contains more than a few rows/columns you can add your data to individual Google Sheets and then link them to a Table Block. It's by far the easiest way to add Tables to Squarespace.
    Convert Table to HTML
    If the customer already has the table in a Word document, I'll use the excellent free Word to HTML tool by Olly Cope. I paste in the table and it will convert it to HTML.
    Create HTML Table
    If I don't already have the table I will create it using the excellent HTML table generator at Tables Generator with the CSS option turned off.
    Use a Code Block
    When the HTML has been generated, I add it to a Code Block on the Squarespace page. I replace the initial
      <table>   tag with the following:
      <table class=mytable>   Add some Custom CSS
    So that the table is formatted to match the style of the site I then add a few lines of CSS to the Custom CSS page. Something like:
      .mytable { border: 3px solid #5f102b; background-color: white; th { padding: 6px; height:40px; color: #eeeeee; background-color: #5f102b; } td { padding: 6px; border:1px solid #f1eaf2; } tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #f1eaf2} }  
  11. Like
    PRWORKS reacted to paul2009 in How can I add a table?   
    Original post in 2014:
    Sometimes you just want one of your contributors to be able to add a table so that they can add some data, like a league table to a page or a post.
    Squarespace usually make complex things seem simple (adding images to Galleries for example) but the simple task of adding a table in Squarespace is so challenging!
    Yes, I know I can add a code block and add some HTML code to create the table. That's fine for me, but my clients don't want to learn HTML - they just want to edit a table like they would in any other application like MS Word - 'Create Table'.
    I'm still hoping Squarespace will address this soon so we don't have to use online HTML table tools.
    Update in 2024:
    It is now 10 years later (yes that's not a typo... ten years later!! ⏳) and there isn't a Squarespace Table Block built-in yet. ☹️
    The good news is that Michael (Squarewebsites) built a Table Block plugin. 
    (These are affiliate links for products I use and love. If you make a purchase I may receive a tiny commission.)
    This plugin adds a Table Block to Squarespace (both 7.0 and 7.1), allowing you to create and edit tables on the page with ease. You don't need to know any HTML table code, and it can automatically pull your table data from a Google Sheet, making it easier for clients to update their tables using a familiar tool!

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