Here 's the page:
https://example URL
I used to create this and implemented it into the page. The links I created are not working. Could someone help me figure this out and also help me convert it into a mobile friendly SVG?
The links are supposed to be on the 3 words on the triangle graphic.
<!-- Image Map Generated by -->
<img src="example URL" usemap="#image-map">
<map name="image-map">
<area target="_blank" alt="" title="" href="example URL" coords="1598,1173,2495,1443" shape="rect">
<area target="_blank" alt="" title="" href="example URL" coords="495,2925,1702,3229" shape="rect">
<area target="_blank" alt="" title="" href="example URL" coords="2379,2920,3581,3229" shape="rect">