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    qosmic got a reaction from SharonP in How to Add Form Emails to Email Campaign Mailing List   
    Had the same issue. You can save Squarespace forms to Mailchimp but not Squarespace itself, which makes no sense. There doesn't seem to be a way to, for example, add a checkbox to a form that is the user's consent to join a Squarespace mailing list.
    You can redirect the user after submitting the form to a newsletter sign up page, but abandonment makes that effectively useless. You could also save the form responses to a Google doc and periodically import the email addresses, but that's an enormous pain, especially if you want any automated messaging to go out on a timely basis.
    Nor is the API helpful. You only have the option to GET, and then only if you are using profiles. You can't POST anything other than order and product updates. Otherwise we could add subscribers on form submission very easily with a Zap.
    (TBH we're not the biggest fans of Squarespace's email marketing tool, but to be fair, it is nice for very simple use cases.)
  2. Thanks
    qosmic got a reaction from Matt-W-Urst in Rounded section divider   
    You'll have to learn some CSS. You can use the following, but you'll have to customize it.
    #CollectionID { #page .page-section:nth-of-type(1) { -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 0%); clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 0%); } } The collection ID is unique to the page. Under nth-of-type, you tell the browser which section on the page to apply the clip path. FOr example, if it's the third section on that page, you would put nth-of-type(3).
    Finally, replace the percentages with your clip path.
  3. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from danabrigman in How to Add Form Emails to Email Campaign Mailing List   
    Had the same issue. You can save Squarespace forms to Mailchimp but not Squarespace itself, which makes no sense. There doesn't seem to be a way to, for example, add a checkbox to a form that is the user's consent to join a Squarespace mailing list.
    You can redirect the user after submitting the form to a newsletter sign up page, but abandonment makes that effectively useless. You could also save the form responses to a Google doc and periodically import the email addresses, but that's an enormous pain, especially if you want any automated messaging to go out on a timely basis.
    Nor is the API helpful. You only have the option to GET, and then only if you are using profiles. You can't POST anything other than order and product updates. Otherwise we could add subscribers on form submission very easily with a Zap.
    (TBH we're not the biggest fans of Squarespace's email marketing tool, but to be fair, it is nice for very simple use cases.)
  4. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from holahannah in How to Add Form Emails to Email Campaign Mailing List   
    We've implemented a number of solutions for our clients, most of whom use a 3rd party application to manage their contacts and customers, typically a CRM. In our opinion, Squarespace's mailing list is really only useful for ecommerce companies with limited needs.
  5. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from pixelliciousfotografie in Website Layout Copy   
    You can select blocks and copy between sections. I don't think it works across pages. However, you can duplicate a page. If you want the layout, I would start with the copy and then customize as needed.
  6. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from PierrePauwels in Google doesn't show my webstite when I type my name on it..   
    It's possible you have a DNS or other technical error, but unless you share your site name and URL, it would impossible for anyone to say.
    However, what you've described is not really how search indexing works. Just because you've launched a site with a certain name, even an uncommon name or made-up word, doesn't mean Google will immediately rank you over longstanding pages that contain the same or similar words, even if you've submitted your site to them.
    Ten days is not long. The typical rule of thumb is that it takes several weeks for any changes to have any noticeable effect on your rank and as long as 90 days or so before you see the full effect of those changes. (Actual results will vary significantly, but start with that expectation.)
    There are any number of decent primers on SEO. Squarespace has one. I often send beginners to Semrush because they have some nice short videos that cover the basics. But you have to recognize that it's an entire discipline. It's many people's entire job. If you're lost, you might consider hiring help.
  7. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from tuanphan in Help! My site is no longer full width and is now aligned left.   
    No issue here either. I tried scaling it, and the site always filled the viewable area.
  8. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from tuanphan in Website displaying oddly   
    Loaded fine for me. Try deleting all your cookies and logging in again. If the problem persists, disable any browser plugins/extensions one at a time to see if there is a conflict. If it still persists, reach out to support.

  9. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from tuanphan in Add Additional Code Block IDs to CSS Code   
    We don't know that the image tint is 100%. 0.675 white tint applied a 100% white background just looks white. Given that the code works in the first case, it has to be working in the second. Something else is the problem. For example, there's nothing in these three blocks of code that suppresses the block with ID ending _5266. Note that we don't reference that ID at all.
    Without being able to see the back end, and in the absence of any other clues, I would recommend deleting the second set of blocks and removing the text block ID from the code. Do a group select of the first blocks and duplicate them. Add the ID of the new text block to the code as above. Change the image and see if there is still an issue.
  10. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from tuanphan in Custom header logo from desktop version does not show on mobile version   
    I can't remember if you need a different selector or not. Try this first.
    <style> .header-title-logo a { content: url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6179e301282d777ca075f46a/t/61df592ef5f3f23010c205f1/1642027311119/logo-name.png"); } @media screen and (max-width:768px) { .header-title-logo a { content: url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6179e301282d777ca075f46a/t/61df592ef5f3f23010c205f1/1642027311119/logo-name.png"); } } </style> If that doesn't work, be sure to share a link to your site.
  11. Like
    qosmic reacted to Christinesveen in Get notified functionality when it's a digital downloadable product   
    Initially, I created a service product, which currently is “out of stock”.
    I made some adjustments to the text, changing it from "out of stock" to "Coming soon."
    Additionally, I activated the Wishlist functionality, enabling individuals to subscribe to email notifications and receive updates.
    As for the digital products (created as services) that are currently in stock, I created an automated email that immediately goes out to customers upon their purchase. This email contains a direct link to their file.
    Did that make sense?
  12. Like
    qosmic reacted to tuanphan in Typeface styles suddenly changed   
    Since yesterday, I saw 3 sites with same problem, maybe a bug. You should contact Squarespace Customer Care.
  13. Like
    qosmic reacted to mark.bate in My form submission is not arriving at the client's inbox   
    This is exactly what the problem was. The client's domain had expired. They promptly renewed it but by then their email address was blocked when used with the Squarespace form. It was fine when used directly, there was just an issue with Squarespace. So as Paul2009 suggested, I contacted support via online chat, and after a quick check, they confirmed the email had been blocked, and very quickly they unblocked it for me. Forms work perfectly now. You learn something every day. Cheers Paul 🙂
  14. Like
    qosmic reacted to jmerrill in Body Content Background White, with Site-Wide Image Background   
    @qosmic Okay, thanks for your help.
  15. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from mark.bate in My form submission is not arriving at the client's inbox   
    You've proven that it's not a Squarespace issue, so it's difficult to help here, but something on the receiving end is blocking, rejecting, routing, or forwarding the form mails. I suspect you'll have to go through all their settings to find the culprit.
  16. Like
    qosmic reacted to ARCUX in Text overlapping on phone mode   
    Thanks, Qosmic. I took your suggestion and added the headings in the same block as the body text. The slightly awkward spacing is a much better UX than overlapping text.
    I appreciate all of your time and thoughtful responses!
  17. Like
    qosmic reacted to Hartzelljs in Post Sumbit in Form goes to Bottom of Page   
    @qosmic that's a perfect idea. nice simple fix. thank you muchly!
  18. Like
    qosmic reacted to paul2009 in My form submission is not arriving at the client's inbox   
    Their email address has likely failed at some point, and Squarespace have added it to their 'bounce list'. Please see my earlier post, and see if this helps: 
    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️
  19. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from Hartzelljs in Post Sumbit in Form goes to Bottom of Page   
    I don't believe so. Instead of a post-submit message, you might try a redirect to a custom page that has the appropriate messaging.
  20. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from struktiv in title text: hyphen wont show   
    That was gonna be next. Glad it worked.
  21. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from creedon in My form submission is not arriving at the client's inbox   
    You've proven that it's not a Squarespace issue, so it's difficult to help here, but something on the receiving end is blocking, rejecting, routing, or forwarding the form mails. I suspect you'll have to go through all their settings to find the culprit.
  22. Like
    qosmic reacted to Yuji in Individual LinkedIn icon   
    Hi, thank you for responding to my post.  You are right that I can add LinkedIn icon for each member.  I knew I could add a link to each member but not an icon of LinkedIn.  When I filled in the link to it, it showed the icon.  Thank you once again for the help.
  23. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from Beyondspace in Add Gallery SECTION (not Gallery Block) to Blog Page   
    You are correct that there is not a way to add a section to a blog post. Your best bet would probably be to add the images individually in the layout you want.
  24. Like
    qosmic got a reaction from Kiwi2 in I cannot edit my footer   
    That sounds like an issue for support. As a long shot, you might try it on a different browser. If you still can't get in, reach out to them.
  25. Thanks
    qosmic got a reaction from Brier in Set a custom Tumblr URL from my squarespace page   
    A link or redirect is probably going to be your best option. I'm not familiar with Tumblr, but if they allow custom domains, you might be able to configure tumblrname.mysquarespacesite.com, but Tumblr would have to provide you with a domain key and host address for your CNAME records.
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