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Everything posted by reena

  1. Hi Tuan! That code was helpful, but it centered the title of the track as well. How would i keep the title left justified as you showed in your screenshot on Feb 15. Attaching what it looks like now. Thank you! R
  2. https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/pages/class-materials-intro-to-kathak https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/pages/class-material-beginning-i-ii I can't get these links to go directly to the page. these links just keep going to the homepage am i doing something wrong?
  3. https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/class-materials-intro-to-kathak https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/class-material-beginning-i-ii Hopefully those work now. Sorry for the slow responses. Our client delayed launch, so I haven't been as focused on this project. But thank you for your continued support
  4. Hi! Yes - float it to the right and centered in the bar.
  5. I'm not sure if that link is taking you there. For some reason, I can't get a direct link to that page. It's under: School > Current Students > Then there are orange buttons that say "Class Materials" The audio files are on those pages https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/class-material-level-beginning-i-ii
  6. Hi Tuan, again my bad. It's on this page: https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/ It's cosmetic. But it would be nice if it was orderly 🙂
  7. Hi Tuan, It's me again 🙂 https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/pages Password: CDIwebsite!
  8. Hi @tuanphan I'm trying to make the Hyperlink into a button as well. I've got the Hyperlinks set up, but I'm not able to get the code to work. I changed the section ID to the one im working on. Thanks for your help! https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/pages [data-section-id="640a61e65788c40428341fc1"] .summary-excerpt p { display: block !important; }
  9. Hi - Just wondering if there a way to adjust the placement of the Download link on the Audio file block. It's off center and dependent on the length of the song track. Seems like it should be centered and placed at the end like it is in the minimal style. It seems like something overlooked on the product. But I'd love to find away to do it with CSS if I can. Here is the page I'm working on: https://crow-tarpon-egmf.squarespace.com/config/pages
  10. Hi, I'm having the same issue. Our captions are getting cut off on mobile. We tried all the code suggested in this thread from 2021. Does anyone have a suggestion for our site? https://synthesizer-strawberry-4bb3.squarespace.com/config/pages Thanks! @media only screen and (max-width:640px) { #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1624660511462_11636 {width:20%; margin:auto}} .gallery-caption p {white-space:pre; text-align:left} .gallery-caption p:first-line {color: #ffe1b5; font-family: Playfair Display; font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight:bold} .gallery-caption .gallery-caption-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
  11. Thank you both for your reply. I will definitely update my browsers, OS, etc. But I did get it to work, by just hitting Done many times until the Save button showed up.
  12. This is infuriating. I've lost hours of work multiple times. The save button is not reliable. It doesn't appear sometimes and I've seemingly pressed it to no avail. Are other people having this issue? And what is Squarespace doing to solve this? Is it because I'm in trial mode? What's the point of giving Circle Members extra time if the product is just not going to work.
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