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  1. @tuanphan Is there code for this feature that is usable with 7.1 and fluid engine?
  2. no, i meant the images that show up when you click into the portfolio item. so clicking on any of those images will take you to the portfolio item I was talking about. I think it's a non-issue now though, thank you
  3. Not sure what people carousel you are referring to, but I ended up finding a workaround to make the images smaller, if you'd still like to look at the arrow placement you can see it on mobile here https://www.ryanlongnecker.com/brands/princess the hope was to have the arrows in the vertical center of the image the same as they are in desktop view.
  4. @tuanphan you helped me with code to hide nav in desktop version, but show in the hamburger mobile menu. Any way to now hide the "Home" from the desktop version? I want to keep it on the top of the hamburger menu as it is now, just have it invisible from desktop. For reference the code you gave me to hide the other items was div.header-nav-item:nth-child(n+5) { display: none !important; } site is www.ryanlongnecker.com thanks so much!
  5. Both. I would like them both to display the projects either with smaller images or ideally using the grid:masonry layout on mobile and grid:strips on desktop
  6. the ideal would be if in mobile/device view the carousel grid could change to 2:3 horizontal ratio instead.
  7. One issue is that the custom cursor I have disappears when my promotional form pops up when people visit my site for the first time - is there a way to ensure it stays visible?
  8. Thank you for your response! for #1 what I mean is on desktop my portfolio looks great, but on mobile 2 things are happening. I would like the images to be about 80% what they are right now on mobile, and the navigation buttons are not accessible, they are at the bottom of the screen
  9. I tried this on my site www.ryanlongnecker.com and it didn't work. I already have css code in there for a custom cursor so I'm not sure if it is interfering.
  10. I'm trying to resize my portfolio images on mobile only as well, but the code isn't working. my site is www.ryanlongnecker.com, i would also like to move the scroll left/right buttons to move up in the mobile screen so they are visible
  11. I actually figured it out, but my site is www.ryanlongnecker.com, and I would love to know what options I have to change photo gallery layouts on mobile only keeping desktop as it is... One more, I would love to know how to include the 'about' and 'contact' in the mobile hamburger menu even though they are not linked pages
  12. @tuanphan The arrow/hand cursor still remains after I've pasted the code. Is there a way to hide them entirely while using this custom cursor? Thank you
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